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How are lists implemented in Haskell (GHC)?

I was just curious about some exact implementation details of lists in Haskell (GHC-specific answers are fine)--are they naive linked lists, or do they have any special optimizations? More specifically:

  1. Do length and (!!) (for instance) have to iterate through the list?
  2. If so, are their values cached in any way (i.e., if I call length twice, will it have to iterate both times)?
  3. Does access to the back of the list involve iterating through the whole list?
  4. Are infinite lists and list comprehensions memoized? (i.e., for fib = 1:1:zipWith (+) fib (tail fib), will each value be computed recursively, or will it rely on the previous computed value?)

Any other interesting implementation details would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

like image 454
shosti Avatar asked Apr 22 '10 07:04


People also ask

How are lists defined in Haskell?

In Haskell, lists are a homogenous data structure. It stores several elements of the same type. That means that we can have a list of integers or a list of characters but we can't have a list that has a few integers and then a few characters.

What is cons in Haskell?

Cons is a historic name, though, originating from Lisp. :-: is another arbitrary name for the constructor, except that it can be used infix. I.e. instead of Cons 1 someList one can write 1 :-: someList .

2 Answers

Lists have no special operational treatment in Haskell. They are defined just like:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) 

Just with some special notation: [a] for List a, [] for Nil and (:) for Cons. If you defined the same and redefined all the operations, you would get the exact same performance.

Thus, Haskell lists are singly-linked. Because of laziness, they are often used as iterators. sum [1..n] runs in constant space, because the unused prefixes of this list are garbage collected as the sum progresses, and the tails aren't generated until they are needed.

As for #4: all values in Haskell are memoized, with the exception that functions do not keep a memo table for their arguments. So when you define fib like you did, the results will be cached and the nth fibonacci number will be accessed in O(n) time. However, if you defined it in this apparently equivalent way:

-- Simulate infinite lists as functions from Integer type List a = Int -> a  cons :: a -> List a -> List a cons x xs n | n == 0    = x             | otherwise = xs (n-1)  tailF :: List a -> List a tailF xs n = xs (n+1)  fib :: List Integer fib = 1 `cons` (1 `cons` (\n -> fib n + tailF fib n)) 

(Take a moment to note the similarity to your definition)

Then the results are not shared and the nth fibonacci number will be accessed in O(fib n) (which is exponential) time. You can convince functions to be shared with a memoization library like data-memocombinators.

like image 165
luqui Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10


As far as I know (I don't know how much of this is GHC-specific)

  1. length and (!!) DO have to iterate through the list.

  2. I don't think there are any special optimisations for lists, but there is a technique that applies to all datatypes.

    If you have something like

    foo xs = bar (length xs) ++ baz (length xs) 

    then length xs will be computed twice.

    But if instead you have

    foo xs = bar len ++ baz len   where len = length xs 

    then it will only be computed once.

  3. Yes.

  4. Yes, once part of a named value is computed, it is retained until the name goes out of scope. (The language doesn't require this, but this is how I understand the implementations behave.)

like image 32
dave4420 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10
