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Hooking up express.js with Angular CLI in dev environment

I found a great tutorial that explains how to setup express.js with Angular CLI, but in this tutorial the angular app is compiled into a production dist folder: https://scotch.io/tutorials/mean-app-with-angular-2-and-the-angular-cli

How do I integrate express.js with Angular CLI, but I want the express.js to work with the development version of the Angular app and I want the nodemon to restart if I make changes to either the express OR angular app.

Have been spending over eight hours trying to get this working. Thanks!

I don't want to run 'ng build' every time I make a change to the Angular app (this takes too long) - I want instant reloading whenever I save a change to my angular app (as if I was running 'ng serve') or express app.

I found a tutorial where you hook up Angular 2 QuickStart with Express, it works but I'm looking to use Angular CLI.

I understand that the Angular CLI uses WebPack whereas the QuickStart uses System.js

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etayluz Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 03:03


People also ask

Which command can be used to install angular CLI globally on a development machine?

js. With the Angular CLI, you can use the command ng to create new workspaces, new projects, serve your application during development, or produce builds to share or distribute.

Which CLI command is used to build the angular application?

The ng new command creates an Angular workspace folder and generates a new application skeleton. A workspace can contain multiple applications and libraries. The initial application created by the ng new command is at the top level of the workspace.

How do I run express js locally?

Running Locally First create a directory named myapp , change to it and run npm init . Then install express as a dependency, as per the installation guide. In the myapp directory, create a file named app.js and copy in the code from the example above.

1 Answers


My experience of 15 hours has taught me that trying to serve an Angular app with Express during development is NOT a good idea. The proper way is to run Angular and Express as two different apps on two different ports. Angular will be served on port 4200 and Express on port 3000 as usual. Then configure a proxy for API calls to Express app.

Add proxy.config.json to root of Angular project:

{   "/api/*":{     "target":"http://localhost:3000",     "secure":false,     "logLevel":"debug"   } } 

Open up a new terminal tab and run this command to start Express app:

nodemon [YOUR_EXPRESS_APP.js] --watch server

(YOUR_EXPRESS_APP.js is usually named server.js or app.js. server is a directory where you keep all your Express app files)

Open up a second terminal tab and run this command to start Angular app:

ng serve --proxy-config proxy.config.json

This will ensure that Angular app is rebuilt and browser reloaded when a change is made to any Angular app file. Similarly, Express server will restart when a change is made to any Express app files.

Your Angular app is here: http://localhost:4200/

Watch this video to see how to configure a proxy for your API calls with Angular CLI

NOTE: this setup only applies for development environment. In production, you will want to run ng build and place the Angular app inside a dist directory to be served up by Express. In production, there is only ONE app running - an Express app serving up your Angular app.


Using input from @echonax I came up with this solution which is quite fast:

  • Add Express to Angular 2 app (built with Angular CLI) as in this tutorial
  • Run this in terminal:

ng build -w & nodemon server.js --watch dist --watch server

This will rebuild the Angular app into the dist folder, and the node server will restart each time that happens. However, there is NOT automatic browser refresh with this setup :(

More on that here:


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etayluz Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10
