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Highlight Matching Brace In Visual Studio

In Notepad++ for example when your cursor is next to a brace it will highlight the corresponding opening or closing brace on screen.

Check out the link below for a example as to what I mean. http://www.atmel.com/webdoc/visualassist/visualassist._match.html

How can Visual Studio do this?

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Pie Avatar asked Jun 06 '15 02:06


1 Answers

The Visual Studio 2013 C# editor has brace highlighting. Place the cursor on the outside of the brace, (not the inside) to see the highlight.

Default Brace color

The default color is very subtle, use the Tools\Options\Fonts And Colors setting to apply a different highlight color.

Fonts and Colors setting

New Brace Color

like image 118
Walt Ritscher Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 13:10

Walt Ritscher