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How to run all tests in solution

It appears that I can run all my tests in the solution in one go from the command line using MSTest if I use the /testmetadata flag as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182487.aspx

I'm running SQL Server DB Unit tests in Visual Studio 2013, wherein I don't seem to have a vsmdi file at all, and I'm unable to find a way to add one either. I tried creating a testsettings file, but it doesn't discover any tests (shows "No tests to run") when I invoke MSTest.

Is there a way I can have MSTest run all my tests in a VS2013 solution?

like image 716
Sayak Banerjee Avatar asked Sep 20 '14 19:09

Sayak Banerjee

People also ask

How do you run all tests in project?

This should run all tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories: $ go test ./... This should run all tests for given specific directories: $ go test ./tests/... ./unit-tests/... ./my-packages/...

How do I run all unit tests in Visual Studio?

To run all the tests in a default group, choose the Run icon and then choose the group on the menu. Select the individual tests that you want to run, open the right-click menu for a selected test and then choose Run Selected Tests (or press Ctrl + R, T).

1 Answers

I wanted to close this open question. My intention was to run all tests in one go from out Hudson CI server, so I wrote a basic console app to find and invoke MSTest on all DLL files inside the solution folder. This app is executed after the project is built in release mode.

string execId = null;
string className = null;
string testName = null;
string testResult = null;
string resultLine = null;
List<string> results = new List<string>();
XmlDocument resultsDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode executionNode = null;
XmlNode testMethodNode = null;

// Define the test instance settings
Process testInstance = null;
ProcessStartInfo testInfo = new ProcessStartInfo()
    UseShellExecute = false,
    CreateNoWindow = true,

// Fetch project list from the disk
List<string> excluded = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExcludedProjects"].Split(',').ToList();
DirectoryInfo assemblyPath = new DirectoryInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
DirectoryInfo[] directories = assemblyPath.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.GetDirectories();

// Create a test worklist
List<string> worklist = directories.Where(t => !excluded.Contains(t.Name))
                                    .Select(t => String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MSTestCommand"], t.FullName, t.Name))

// Start test execution
Console.WriteLine("Starting Execution...");

Console.WriteLine("Results               Top Level Tests");
Console.WriteLine("-------               ---------------");

// Remove any existing run results
if (File.Exists("UnitTests.trx"))

// Run each project in the worklist
foreach (string item in worklist)
    testInfo.FileName = item;
    testInstance = Process.Start(testInfo);

    if (File.Exists("UnitTests.trx"))
        resultsDoc = new XmlDocument();

        foreach (XmlNode result in resultsDoc.GetElementsByTagName("UnitTestResult"))
            // Get the execution ID for the test
            execId = result.Attributes["executionId"].Value;

            // Find the execution and test method nodes
            executionNode = resultsDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Execution")
                                        .Where(n => n.Attributes["id"] != null && n.Attributes["id"].Value.Equals(execId))

            testMethodNode = executionNode.ParentNode
                                            .Where(n => n.Name.Equals("TestMethod"))

            // Get the class name, test name and result
            className = testMethodNode.Attributes["className"].Value.Split(',')[0];
            testName = result.Attributes["testName"].Value;
            testResult = result.Attributes["outcome"].Value;
            resultLine = String.Format("{0}                {1}.{2}", testResult, className, testName);



// Calculate passed / failed test case count
int passed = results.Where(r => r.StartsWith("Passed")).Count();
int failed = results.Where(r => r.StartsWith("Failed")).Count();

// Print the summary
Console.WriteLine("Test Run {0}", failed > 0 ? "Failed." : "Passed.");

if (passed > 0)
    Console.WriteLine("\tPassed {0,7}", passed);

if (failed > 0)
    Console.WriteLine("\tFailed {0,7}", failed);

Console.WriteLine("\tTotal {0,8}", results.Count);

if (failed > 0)

My App.config file:

    <add key="ExcludedProjects" value="UnitTests.Bootstrap,UnitTests.Utils" />
    <add key="MSTestCommand" value="&quot;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe&quot; /testcontainer:&quot;{0}\bin\Release\{1}.dll&quot; /nologo /resultsfile:&quot;UnitTests.trx&quot;" />
like image 88
Sayak Banerjee Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Sayak Banerjee