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Higher order OR in Haskell [duplicate]



Here is an example problem I'm thinking about: Take the sum of every x from 1 to n where x is evenly divisible by 3 or 5, so something like this:

divisible a b = rem b a == 0
sum3or5 n = sum [x | x <- [1..n], divisible 3 x || divisible 5 x]

Coming from Scheme, I would like to implement this using a filter, something like this:

divisible a b = rem b a == 0
sum3or5 n = sum $ filter div3or5 [1..n] where
    div3or5 n = (divides 3 n) || (divides 5 n)

I'm thinking, is there a higher-order logical OR (||), so that I could write 'div3or5' point-free style, something like this?:

divisible a b = rem a b == 0
sum3or5 = sum $ filter (divisible 3 || divisible 5) . range

Thank you for your help.

like image 448
Daniel Beecham Avatar asked May 19 '14 10:05

Daniel Beecham

1 Answers

Yes. You can "lift" (||) from booleans to functions from something to booleans. So you want something like

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool

to turn into

(||) :: (r -> Bool) -> (r -> Bool) -> (r -> Bool)

This happens to be exactly what the applicative instance of functions are good for.

liftA2      :: (a -> b -> c) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b) -> (r -> c)


liftA2 (||) :: (r -> Bool) -> (r -> Bool) -> (r -> Bool)

which means, in your case, you can write your filter as

filter (liftA2 (||) (divides 3) (divides 5))

which takes an integral number and decides if it's divisible by 3 or 5.

If you want, you can define something like

(<||>) = liftA2 (||)

or, equivalently,

f <||> g = \x -> f x || g x

and then you can write your filter as

filter (divisible 3 <||> divisible 5)

Wrapping angle brackets around operators is sort of an idiom for showing that they are lifted into something else (functor, applicative, monoid).

like image 123
kqr Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
