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Hiding all web page items except for single nested div

Suppose my web page has a struture like this:

    <div id="fee">
        <div id="fi">

            <div id="actual_content">

                <div id="some_important_stuff">Blah</div>
                <p>More content</p>
                <span class="and_another_thing">Meh</span>


            <div id="fo>


        <div id="fum">


    <div id="fazz">


I want to create a print CSS style that hides everything except for the contents of actual_content.

My first attempt was like this:

body * {
    display: none; /* Hide everything first */

/* Show content div and all of its ancestors */

body > #fee {
    display: block;

body > #fee > #fi {
    display: block;

body > #fee > #fi > #actual_content {
    display: block;

/* Unhide contents of #actual_content */

#actual_content * {
    display: block; /* Not ideal */

However, since there's no "display: auto" or "display: default", I mess up the styles of actual_content's items when I try to unhide them. I also don't like hard coding the path to actual_content since it might change.

like image 574
MacDonald Avatar asked Sep 13 '11 19:09


1 Answers

You probably want to use the visibility property. W3Schools describes the difference between the display and visibility properties: the visibility property affects the visibility of an element without affecting its structure, i.e. the space it would normally occupy on the page.

like image 143
Anson Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10
