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hide/show a image in jquery

How to show/hide the image on clicking the hyperlink?

function getresource(id)
       //show image
    else if(id==5)
         //hide image

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:getresource('4');">Bandwidth</a>
<a href="#" onclick="javascript:getresource('5');">Upload</a>
<p align="center"> 
  <img id="img3" src="/media/img/close.png" style="visibility: hidden;" />
  <img id="img4" src="/media/img/close.png" style="visibility: hidden;" />
like image 772
Rajeev Avatar asked Jan 04 '11 11:01


People also ask

How do you hide an image on a button click using jQuery?

We have used a click() method which will be called when the button of id(hide) will be clicked and another click() method will be called when another button of id(show) will be click.

How do I toggle show and hide in jQuery?

The toggle() method toggles between hide() and show() for the selected elements. This method checks the selected elements for visibility. show() is run if an element is hidden. hide() is run if an element is visible - This creates a toggle effect.

What does jQuery hide () do?

jQuery hide() Method The hide() method hides the selected elements. Tip: This is similar to the CSS property display:none. Note: Hidden elements will not be displayed at all (no longer affects the layout of the page). Tip: To show hidden elements, look at the show() method.

How do I hide an image in HTML?

The trick to hiding any element on your web page is to insert either a " display: none; " or " visibility: hidden; " rule for that element. The " display: none; " rule not only hides the element, but also removes it from the document flow.

2 Answers

With image class name:

$('.img_class').hide(); // to hide image
$('.img_class').show(); // to show image

With image Id :

$('#img_id').hide(); // to hide image
$('#img_id').show(); // to show image
like image 56
Sandeep Sherpur Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Sandeep Sherpur

What image do you want to hide? Assuming all images, the following should work:


Otherwise, using selectors, you could find all images that are child elements of the containing div, and hide those.

However, i strongly recommend you read the Jquery docs, you could have figured it out yourself: http://docs.jquery.com/Main_Page

like image 44
TJHeuvel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
