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can't get true height/width of object in chrome

I have a question, if i set a image height in css and try to get height/width i get different results in different browsers. Is there a way to get the same dimension in all browsers?

You can find a live example here<-Removed

and the concept is like this:



Output Firefox: img height: 100 img width: 150

Output Chrome: img height: 100 img width: 0

Output Chrome: img height: 100 img width: 93?

i have tried this from StackOverflow: stackoverflow.com/questions/1873419/jquery-get-height-width

but still get the same result

Any one know a good solution?

like image 574
Cinaird Avatar asked Mar 23 '10 15:03


1 Answers

The images aren't loaded in document.ready, you need to use the window.load event to make sure they're present, like this:


Here's a quick read on the difference, the important part is that pictures are loaded.

like image 125
Nick Craver Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Nick Craver