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Hide Axis in Bokeh




How can I hide both x and y axis in a bokeh plot ? I've checked and tried based on this :

p1= figure (... visible=None) p1.select({"type": "Axis", "visible": 0}) xaxis = Axis(plot=p1, visible = 0) 

and like http://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/styling.html#axes

like image 603
ArtDijk Avatar asked May 30 '15 11:05


People also ask

How do I get rid of gridlines in bokeh?

You can hide the lines by setting their grid_line_color to None .

1 Answers

Create a figure object.
So, in your example the figure object is p1, then p1.axis.visible = False
If you want to specify a y or x axis, then use p1.xaxis.visible = False or p1.yaxis.visible = False

like image 53
Hemanth Kondapalli Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Hemanth Kondapalli