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Hibernate return auto-generate id of a newly inserted row

I'm using HibernateTemplate to access the database in my Spring application. Is there any way/method in HibernateTemplate which returns the auto-generate id for my new inserted row? In my case, the auto-generate value is the primary key of my table, which is defined as auto-increment inside the database.

For more info, I use saveOrUpdate() method to insert data.

like image 658
Wilts C Avatar asked Sep 16 '11 09:09

Wilts C

1 Answers

When you save a object with saveOrUpdate() the objects id field will get updated with the auto generated id if it was a create operation. So you can simply retrieve the id property of the saved object to get the auto generated id.

like image 118
Arun P Johny Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 18:11

Arun P Johny