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Hibernate Criteria API - adding a criterion: string should be in collection

I have to following entity object

public class Foobar {
    private List<String> uuids;

Now I'd like to make a criteria query which would fetch all Foobar pojos whose uuids list contains the string "abc123", I'm just not sure how to make the appropriate criterion.

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Kim L Avatar asked Apr 29 '10 06:04

Kim L

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How can add order by criteria in Hibernate?

Add an ordering to the result set. Join an association, assigning an alias to the joined association. Join an association using the specified join-type, assigning an alias to the joined association. Create a new Criteria, "rooted" at the associated entity.

Is Criteria API deprecated?

The Criteria API allows us to build up a criteria query object programmatically, where we can apply different kinds of filtration rules and logical conditions. Since Hibernate 5.2, the Hibernate Criteria API is deprecated, and new development is focused on the JPA Criteria API.

2 Answers

I assume you are using a version of Hibernate that implements JPA 2.0. Here's a JPA 2.0 solution that should work with any compliant implementation.

Please annotate uuids with JPA's @ElementCollection annotation. Don't use Hibernate's @CollectionOfElements as mentioned in some of the other answer comments. The latter has equivalent functionality but is being deprecated.

Foobar.java will look approximately like this:

public class Foobar implements Serializable {

    // You might have some other id
    private Long id;

    private List<String> uuids;

    // Getters/Setters, serialVersionUID, ...


Here's how you can build a CriteriaQuery to select all Foobars whose uuids contain "abc123".

public void getFoobars() {
    EntityManager em = ... // EM by injection, EntityManagerFactory, whatever

    CriteriaBuilder b = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Foobar> cq = b.createQuery(Foobar.class);
    Root<Foobar> foobar = cq.from(Foobar.class);

    TypedQuery<Foobar> q = em.createQuery(
              .where(b.isMember("abc123", foobar.<List<String>>get("uuids"))));

    for (Foobar f : q.getResultList()) {
        // Do stuff with f, which will have "abc123" in uuids

I made a self-contained proof-of-concept program while playing with this. I can't push it out right now. Please comment if you want the POC pushed to github.

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Dan LaRocque Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10

Dan LaRocque

I know this is old question, but I have just encountered this issue and found solution.

If you want to use Hibernate Criteria you can join your uuids collection and use its property elements to match elements. Just like that:

    .createAlias("uuids", "uuids")
    .add(Restrictions.eq("uuids.elements", "MyUUID"))
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Maciej Dobrowolski Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10

Maciej Dobrowolski