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Hibernate CollectionOfElements EAGER fetch duplicates elements

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What is fetch type eager in Hibernate?

EAGER fetching tells Hibernate to get the related entities with the initial query. This can be very efficient because all entities are fetched with only one query. But in most cases it just creates a huge overhead because you select entities you don't need in your use case. You can prevent this with FetchType.

What is fetch FetchType eager?

Fetch type Eager is essentially the opposite of Lazy, Eager will by default load ALL of the relationships related to a particular object loaded by Hibernate. This means that if you change the relationship to be this: import javax.persistence.FetchType; //.... //....

How many types of fetch are there in Hibernate?

Conclusion. In this article, we showed examples of the two main types of fetching used in Hibernate.

I stepped into the same problem - when you set the FetchType.EAGER for a @CollectionOfElements, the Hibernate tries to get everything in one shot, i.e. using one single query for each entry of element linked to a "master" object. This problem can be successfully solved at a cost of N+1 query, if you add the @Fetch (FetchMode.SELECT) annotation to your collection. In my case I wanted to have a MediaObject entity with a collection of its metadata items (video codec, audio codec, sizes, etc.). The mapping for a metadataItems collection looks as follows:

@CollectionOfElements (targetElement = String.class, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinTable(name = "mo_metadata_item", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "media_object_id"))
@MapKey(columns = @Column(name = "name"))
@Column (name = "value")
@Fetch (FetchMode.SELECT)
private Map<String, String> metadataItems = new HashMap<String, String>();

It's generally not a good idea to enforce eager fetching in the mapping - it's better to specify eager joins in appropriate queries (unless you're 100% sure that under any and all circumstances your object won't make sense / be valid without that collection being populated).

The reason you're getting duplicates is because Hibernate internally joins your root and collection tables. Note that they really are duplicates, e.g. for 2 SynonymMappings with 3 collection elements each you would get 6 results (2x3), 3 copies of each SynonymMapping entity. So the easiest workaround is to wrap results in a Set thereby ensuring they're unique.

I have faced this problem and I solved it using


This clears out the duplicates which are caused by the join made to the child tables.

You could use a SELECT DISTINCT (Hibernate Query Language) clause as follows

SELECT DISTINCT synonym FROM SynonymMapping synonym LEFT JOIN FETCH synonym.values

DISTINCT clause removes duplicate references in Hibernate.

Although both component and value-type collection has its lifecycle bound to the owning entity class, you should declare them in select clause in order to retrieve them. (LEFT JOIN FETCH synonym.values)

ChssPly76's answer is another approach, but does not forget override equals and hashcode method according to Set semantic
