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Heroku toolbelt command requires app-name

How do you specify the app you want when you log in to Heroku from the command line?

I was trying to check the logs so when I first logged in I tried:

Heroku logs 

this then told me:

 !    No app specified.  !    Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app <app name> 

I then tried:

heroku --app my-appname 

but i get:

`--app` is not a heroku command. 

I have tried all combinations.

like image 998
rayray Avatar asked Aug 29 '12 00:08


People also ask

How do I add an app name in heroku?

If you want to change the application name from outside the Git checkout or application folder, you can type the following command: $ heroku apps:rename newname --app oldname http://newname.heroku.com/ ...

How do I find my heroku app name?

By default, a Heroku app is available at its Heroku domain, which has the form [name of app]. herokuapp.com . For example, an app named serene-example-4269 is hosted at serene-example-4269.herokuapp.com .

What is heroku toolbelt?

The Heroku Toolbelt is a package of the Heroku CLI, Foreman, and Git — all the tools you need to get started using Heroku at the command line. The Toolbelt is available as a native installer for OS X, Windows, and Debian/Ubuntu Linux. The Toolbelt has been available since last fall as part of our polyglot platform.

2 Answers

You still need to include the command:

heroku logs --app app-name

You can also use -a instead of --app:

heroku logs -a app-name

like image 169
redhotvengeance Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 13:10


Another option is to associate your (git) project to Heroku. From heroku open - no app specified:

$ cd app-dir $ heroku git:remote -a app-name $ heroku logs 
like image 36
Francesc Rosas Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 14:10

Francesc Rosas