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Heroku PG: Recover Write access revoked

I have had a Write access revoked in my heroku dev plan as I had too many rows in my db.

Here is the result I have:

$ heroku pg:info
Plan:        Dev
Status:      available
Connections: 1
PG Version:  9.2.7
Created:     2013-06-21 13:24 UTC
Data Size:   12.0 MB
Tables:      48
Rows:        10564/10000 (Write access revoked) - refreshing
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
Rollback:    Unsupported
Region:      Europe

Since then, I deleted half of the rows, as they were created by a script that degenerated, and I am in my development environment. I checked in pgadmin and in the rails console, and it appears that the rows are actually deleted.

How can I recover write access to my database? I don't want to upgrade as I don't need it normally. Been waiting for 2 hours already nothing changed.

I read heroku pg:info doesn't update really fast, but what can I do then?

Thanks for support

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Augustin Riedinger Avatar asked Mar 05 '14 13:03

Augustin Riedinger

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What does heroku PG Reset do?

pg:reset. The PostgreSQL user your database is assigned doesn't have permission to create or drop databases. To drop and recreate your database use pg:reset .

How do I get Heroku Postgres credentials?

To create the credential through data.heroku.com, select the Credentials tab and click the Create Credential button. The name should reflect the purpose of the credential. In the above example, limited_user is used as the credential's username when connecting to the database.

How do I access Heroku Postgres database?

All Heroku Postgres databases have a corresponding Heroku application. You can find the application name on the database page at data.heroku.com. Your database is attached to the Heroku app and is accessible via an app config var containing the database URL, even if you host no code in the application itself.

1 Answers

For the Starter tier (now called Hobby tier), the statistics on row count, table count, and database size are calculated and updated periodically by background workers. They can lag by a few minutes, but typically not more than 5 or 10.

After you've cleared out data to get under your row limit, it may take 5-10 minutes for write access to be restored naturally. You can usually speed up this process by running pg:info, which should cause a refresh to happen (thus you see refreshing above).

2 hours is not expected. If you're still locked out and you're sure you're under the row count, please open a ticket at help.heroku.com

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catsby Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10
