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Heroku maximum monthly charge with Hobby plan?




I have always been a free Heroku user however I recently changed an app to run on the Hobby plan. I noticed the hobby plan details say that it is $7/month/dyno. This confuses me a bit, is there any way I can be charged more than $7/month with one application running on a Hobby plan? If a ton of users happen to go to the site will there be some Dyno scaling that will end up costing me more than the list price? Is this possible? Thanks

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Dominic Farolino Avatar asked Mar 13 '16 19:03

Dominic Farolino

People also ask

How many apps can you have on Heroku hobby?

Unverified accounts can create at most 5 apps. Verified accounts can create no more than 100 apps.

What is hobby dynos Heroku?

Explore free services on Heroku. Hobby dynos: are perfect for small scale personal projects and hobby apps. These dynos do not sleep. For each app, developers can configure up to 10 process types, each running on one (1) Hobby dyno.

How do I get unlimited dynos in Heroku?

This means you can receive a total of 1000 free dyno hours per month, if you verify your account with a credit card. Pretty simple. Add a credit card, and you'll have 1,000 free dyno hours each month. Since a full month is at most 744 hours, this means you can run a single web dyno 24/7 for free.

Is Heroku free for students?

Through the Student Developer Pack, we will offer our students a credit of $13 USD per month for 12 months*. This credit can be applied to any Heroku product offering, including our new Eco Dynos, Mini Postgres, and Mini Heroku Data for Redis® plans.

1 Answers

Heroku does not autoscale dynos (as of the time of this answer). As a commenter notes there are addons that do so and even full on third party services.

If you are worried about big traffic spikes and don't want to use addons like the one above or third party services, I'd recommend setting up some basic monitoring with an addon like NewRelic and/or Librato. With those services, you can set up alerts for traffic spikes and scale up your dynos yourself; then you will have total control. I'd recommend having one or both of those anyway for basic monitoring.

That said, you asked if there is "any way" you could get charged more that $7/month and there is: paid addons, upgraded DB plans, SSL are some ways. But as far as dynos go, Heroku does not autoscale.

More info about pricing at: https://www.heroku.com/pricing

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maxbeizer Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 04:10
