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here() issue in R scripts






Here issue in R scripts

I am trying to understand how would here() work in a portable way. Found it: See what works later under Final answer - TL;DR - the bottom line, here() is not really that useful running a script.R from commandline.

The way I understand it with help from JBGruber: here() looks for the root directory of a project (e.g., an RStudio project, Git project or other project defined with a .here file) starting at the current working directory and moving up until it finds any project. If it doesn't find anything it falls back to using the full working directory. Which in case of a script run by cron will default to my home directory. One could, of course, pass directory as a parameter via cron command, but it is rather cumbersome. Below answers provide good explanations and I have summarised what I found most immediately useful under "Final Answer section". But make no mistake, Nicola's answer is very good and helpful too.

Original Objective - write a set of R scripts, including R-markdown .Rmd so that I can zip the directory, send to someone else and it would run on their computer. Potentially on a very low end computer - such as RaspberryPi or old hardware running linux.


  • can be run from commandline via Rscript
  • as above but scheduled via cron
  • main method for setting up working directory is set_here() - executed once from console and then the folder is portable because the .here file is included on the zipped directory.
  • does not need Rstudio - hence do not want to do R-projects
  • can also be run interactively from Rstudio (development)
  • can be executed from shiny (I assume that will be OK if the above conditions are met)

I specifically do not want to create Rstudio projects because in my view it necessitates to install and use Rstudio, but I want my scripts to be as portable as possible and run on low resource, headless platforms.

Sample code:

Let us assume the working directory will be myGoodScripts as follows:


when starting development I would go to the above directory with setwd() and execute set_here() to create .here file. Then there are 2 scripts dataFetcherMailer.R, dataFetcher.Rmd and a subdirectory bkp:



basedir <- here()
# this is where here should give path to .here file


# email the created report
# email_routine_with_gmailr(paste0(basedir,"dataFetcher.pdf"))
# now substituted with verification that a pdf report was created


title: "Data collection control report"
author: "HAL"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

basedir <- here()

# in actual program this reads data from a changing online data source
df.main <- mtcars

# data backup
datestamp <- format(Sys.time(),format="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")
backupName <- paste0(basedir,"/bkp/dataBackup_",datestamp,"csv.gz")
write.csv(df.main, gzfile(backupName))

# This is data collection report

Yesterday's data total records: `r nrow(df.main)`. 

The basedir was `r basedir`

The current directory is `r getwd()`

The here path is `r here()`

The last 3 lines in the report would be matching, I guess. Even if getwd() does not match the other two, it should not matter, because here() would ensure an absolute basepath.


Of course - the above does not work. It only works if I execute Rscript ./dataFetcherMailer.R from the same myGoodScripts/ directory.

My aim is to understand how to execute the scripts so that relative paths are resolved relative to the script's location and the script can be run from commandline independent of the current working directory. I now can run this from bash only if I have done cd to the directory containing the script. If I schedule cron to execute the script the default working directory would be /home/user and script fails. My naive approach that regardless of the shell's current working directory basedir <- here() should give a filesystem point from which relative paths could be resolved is not working.

From Rstudio without prior setwd()

here() starts at /home/user
Error in abs_path(input) : 
The file '/home/user/dataFetcher.Rmd' does not exist.

From bash with Rscript if cwd not set to the script directory.

$ cd /home/user/scrc
$ Rscript ./myGoodScripts/dataFetcherMailer.R 
here() starts at /home/user/src
Error in abs_path(input) : 
The file '/home/user/src/dataFetcher.Rmd' does not exist.
Calls: <Anonymous> -> setwd -> dirname -> abs_path

If someone could help me understand and resolve this problem, that would be fantastic. If another reliable method to set basepath without here() exists, I would love to know. Ultimately executing script from Rstudio matters a lot less than understanding how to execute such scripts from commandline/cron.

Update since JBGruber answer:

I modified the function a little so that it could return either filename or directory for the file. I am currently trying to modify it so that it would work when .Rmd file is knitted from Rstudio and equally run via R file.

here2 <- function(type = 'dir') {
  args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
  if ("RStudio" %in% args) {
    filepath <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path
  } else if ("interactive" %in% args) {
    file_arg <- "--file="
    filepath <- sub(file_arg, "", grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE))
  } else if ("--slave" %in% args) {
    string <- args[6]
    mBtwSquotes <- "(?<=')[^']*[^']*(?=')"
    filepath <- regmatches(string,regexpr(mBtwSquotes,string,perl = T))
  } else if (pmatch("--file=" ,args)) {
    file_arg <- "--file="
    filepath <- sub(file_arg, "", grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE))
  } else {
    if (type == 'dir') {
      filepath <- '.'
    } else {
      filepath <- "error"
  if (type == 'dir') {
    filepath <- dirname(filepath)

I discovered however that commandArgs() are inherited from the R script i.e. they remain the same for the .Rmd document when it is knit from a script.R. Therefore only the basepath from script.R location can be used universally, not file name. In other words this function when placed in a .Rmd file will point towards the calling script.R path not the .Rmd file path.

Final answer (TL;DR)

The shorter version of this function will therefore be more useful:

here2 <- function() {
  args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
  if ("RStudio" %in% args) {
    # R script called from Rstudio with "source file button"
    filepath <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path
  } else if ("--slave" %in% args) {
    # Rmd file called from Rstudio with "knit button"  
    # (if we placed this function in a .Rmd file)
    file_arg <- "rmarkdown::render"
    string <- grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE)
    mBtwQuotes <- "(?<=')[^']*[^']*(?=')"
    filepath <- regmatches(string,regexpr(mBtwQuotes,string,perl = T))
  } else if ((sum(grepl("--file=" ,args))) >0) {
    # called in some other way that passes --file= argument
    # R script called via cron or commandline using Rscript
    file_arg <- "--file="
    filepath <- sub(file_arg, "", grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE))
  } else if (sum(grepl("rmarkdown::render" ,args)) >0 ) {
    # Rmd file called to render from commandline with 
    # Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("RmdFileName")'
    file_arg <- "rmarkdown::render"
    string <- grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE)
    mBtwQuotes <- "(?<=\")[^\"]*[^\"]*(?=\")"
    filepath <- regmatches(string,regexpr(mBtwQuotes,string,perl = T))
  } else {
    # we do not know what is happening; taking a chance; could have  error later
    filepath <- normalizePath(".")
  filepath <- dirname(filepath)

NB: from within .Rmd file to get to the containing directory of the file it is enough to call normalizePath(".") - which works whether you call the .Rmd file from a script, commandline or from Rstudio.

like image 903
r0berts Avatar asked Dec 23 '20 13:12


People also ask

What does here () do in R?

The here package enables easy file referencing by using the top-level directory of a file project to easily build file paths. This is in contrast to using setwd() , which is fragile and dependent on the way you order your files on your computer.

Why can't R find my function?

This error usually occurs when a package has not been loaded into R via library . R does not know where to find the specified function. It's a good habit to use the library functions on all of the packages you will be using in the top R chunk in your R Markdown file, which is usually given the chunk name setup .

How do I change here directory in R?

You can check where you are by calling getwd . RStudio also tells you the working directory right below the Console tab. If you are disagree with R about where you are working you can choose Session–Set Working Directory from the pull down menu to change it.

How do you use here?

The word here means, 'in, at or to this place'. Simply speaking, here is used when you are referring to the place where you are. It is an adverb, a word that gives more information about a verb or adjective. It can be used to refer to something you are offering to a person, for example, 'Here is your coffee.

2 Answers

what you asked for

The behaviour of here() isn't really what you want here, I think. Instead, what you are looking for is to determine the path of the source file aka the .R file. I extended the here() command a little to behave the way you expect:

here2 <- function() {
  args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
  if ("RStudio" %in% args) {
  } else {
    file_arg <- "--file="
    filepath <- sub(file_arg, "", grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE))

The idea for the case when the script is not run in RStudio comes from this answer. I tried this by pasting the function definition at the beginning of your dataFetcherMailer.R file. You could also think about putting this in another file in your home directory and call it with, e.g., source("here2.R") instead of library(here) or you could write a small R package for this purpose.

final version by r0berts (op)

here2 <- function() {
  args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
  if ("RStudio" %in% args) {
    # R script called from Rstudio with "source file button"
    filepath <- rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path
  } else if ("--slave" %in% args) {
    # Rmd file called from Rstudio with "knit button"  
    # (if we placed this function in a .Rmd file)
    file_arg <- "rmarkdown::render"
    string <- grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE)
    mBtwQuotes <- "(?<=')[^']*[^']*(?=')"
    filepath <- regmatches(string,regexpr(mBtwQuotes,string,perl = T))
  } else if ((sum(grepl("--file=" ,args))) >0) {
    # called in some other way that passes --file= argument
    # R script called via cron or commandline using Rscript
    file_arg <- "--file="
    filepath <- sub(file_arg, "", grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE))
  } else if (sum(grepl("rmarkdown::render" ,args)) >0 ) {
    # Rmd file called to render from commandline with 
    # Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("RmdFileName")'
    file_arg <- "rmarkdown::render"
    string <- grep(file_arg, args, value = TRUE)
    mBtwQuotes <- "(?<=\")[^\"]*[^\"]*(?=\")"
    filepath <- regmatches(string,regexpr(mBtwQuotes,string,perl = T))
  } else {
    # we do not know what is happening; taking a chance; could have  error later
    filepath <- normalizePath(".")
  filepath <- dirname(filepath)

what I think most people actually need

I found this way a while ago but then actually changed my workflow entirely to only use R Markdown files (and RStudio projects). One of the advantages of this is that the working directory of Rmd files is always the location of the file. So instead of bothering with setting a working directory, you can just write all paths in your script relative to the Rmd file location.

title: "Data collection control report"
author: "HAL"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: pdf_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

# in actual program this reads data from a changing online data source
df.main <- mtcars

# data backup
datestamp <- format(Sys.time(),format="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M")

# create bkp folder if it doesn't exist
if (!dir.exists(paste0("./bkp/"))) dir.create("./bkp/")

backupName <- paste0("./bkp/dataBackup_", datestamp, "csv.gz")
write.csv(df.main, gzfile(backupName))

# This is data collection report

Yesterday's data total records: `r nrow(df.main)`. 

The current directory is `r getwd()`

Note that paths starting with ./ mean to start in the folder of the Rmd file. ../ means you go one level up. ../../ you go two levels up and so on. So if your Rmd file is in a folder called "scripts" in your root folder, and you want to save your data in a folder called "data" in your root folder, you write saveRDS(data, "../data/dat.RDS").

You can run the Rmd file from command line/cron with Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("/home/johannes/Desktop/myGoodScripts/dataFetcher.Rmd")'.

like image 115
JBGruber Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10


Although your question requires the usage of the here package, I propose a solution without the need of it. I think that it's much cleaner and equally portable.

If my understanding is correct, you want your script to be aware of their location. This is fine, but in most cases unnecessary because the caller of your script must know where the script is located to actually call it and you can exploit this knowledge. So:

  • get rid of all the here calls;
  • don't try to determine in your scripts the file location, but just write every path as relative to the root of your folder (just as you do in development).

Next, a couple of options.

The first, minimal, is just not to register to cron the bare Rstudio /path/to/yourfolder/yourscript.R, but rather create a bash script as follow (let's call it script.sh):

cd /path/to/yourfolder
Rscript yourscript.R

and register this script to crontab. You can add to your folder a README file when you instruct to do the above (something like: "extract the folder wherever you want, take note of the path, build a script.sh file and crotab it"). Of course, with Rstudio you can open and run the file in the usual way (setwd and then run it; you document it in the README).

The second is to write an "installer" (you can choose whether a makefile, a simple R script, bash file or whatever), that does the above automatically. It just performs these steps.

  1. Creates a folder under the homedir, something like .robertsProject (notice the dot to be more likely that the directory does not exist).
  2. Copies all the files and directories from your folder to this newly created folder.
  3. Creates a .sh file just as the one above (notice that you know where you are moving the files and their location, so you can write the correct path in the script).
  4. Registers the .sh file to crontab.

Done! Whoever receive the file will have just to run once this installer (you will document how to do it in the README) and they can use your tool.

like image 40
nicola Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
