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Having custom controls still apply when go fullscreen on a HTML5 video?

I've made custom controls for my HTML5 video but I don't know how to have that CSS still apply when I go fullscreen.

Here's the [website] I've based my controls on.

On this site, you'll notice that when you click the fullscreen button the custom controls get lost and the video reverts to the default <video> controls.

Does anyone know how to have these custom controls styling/CSS still apply when you go fullscreen?

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tim peterson Avatar asked Apr 11 '12 23:04

tim peterson

People also ask

How do you hide the controls of a video in HTML?

We can hide the controls by not adding the controls attribute to the video element. Even without controls attribute on the elements the user can view the controls section by right-clicking on the video and enabling the show controls .

1 Answers

i answered my own question, the key is that the custom controls are inside the <div> that includes the video that you want to take full screen. In my code below, this <div> is called "videoContainer".

Here's the link I used to figure this out. http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/Using_HTML5_Audio_Video/ControllingMediaWithJavaScript/ControllingMediaWithJavaScript.html

here's the JS code for both entering and exiting fullscreen mode in webkit and mozilla browsers:

var $video=$('video');
//fullscreen button clicked
$('#fullscreenBtn').on('click', function() {
    if($.isFunction($video.get(0).webkitEnterFullscreen)) {
    else if ($.isFunction($video.get(0).mozRequestFullScreen)) {
    else { 
           alert('Your browsers doesn\'t support fullscreen');

and here's the HTML:

<div id="videoContainer">
      <div> custom controls 
            <button id="fullscreenBtn" class="enterFullscreenBtn">fullscreen</button>
like image 187
tim peterson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

tim peterson