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Haskell: Why was `par` defined the way it was?

par is declared as:

par  :: a -> b -> b

Notice, that argument one is thrown away. In order to use par you need to play tricks like using the same expression multiple times.

If its purpose is to execute a and b in parallel, why wasn't it defined like this?:

par  :: (a, b) -> (a, b)

Taking a tuple of (unevaluated) expressions and returning the same expressions - while they are potentially being materialized on background threads.

It seems the latter model is simpler than the former. Why was the design chosen that way?

like image 363
usr Avatar asked Apr 15 '12 22:04


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Why learn Haskell programming language?

Learning Haskell Programming Language means you need to think in a functional manner. Many new programming languages allow the functional style of programming, but most developers do not make full usage of these features since they think in a more of object-oriented pattern, the reason being their background comes from learning C or C++.

What would happen if there was no pattern matching in Haskell?

In addition, Haskell generates a warning if you are missing cases in your pattern matching. In the getFirst example, if we forgot to handle the empty list case, the compiler would warn us. Without pattern matching, no warning would be issued, and the bug could be left undetected.

What have you learned from Haskell so far?

You’ve learned ideas such as referential transparency, lazy evaluation, and pattern-matching in Haskell. You’ve also seen that recursion is used instead of for-loops, and it can make code a lot more concise.

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Since the syntax is more compact than an if-statements, your code becomes easier to read. In addition, Haskell generates a warning if you are missing cases in your pattern matching. In the getFirst example, if we forgot to handle the empty list case, the compiler would warn us.

1 Answers

In the former, you can easily spark more than two computations,

c1 `par` c2 `par` c3 `par` c4 `pseq` something c1 c2 c3 c4

which would be rather cumbersome in the latter.

like image 136
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Daniel Fischer