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I'm writing a genetic algorithm to generate the string "helloworld". But the evolve function creates a stack overflow when n is 10,000 or more.

module Genetics where

import Data.List (sortBy)
import Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Monad (foldM)

class Gene g where
    -- How ideal is the gene from 0.0 to 1.0?
    fitness :: g -> Float

    -- How does a gene mutate?
    mutate :: g -> IO g

    -- How many species will be explored?
    species :: [g] -> Int

orderFitness :: (Gene g) => [g] -> [g]
orderFitness = reverse . sortBy (\a b -> compare (fitness a) (fitness b))

compete :: (Gene g) => [g] -> IO [g]
compete pool = do
    let s = species pool
    variants <- (mapM (mapM mutate) . map (replicate s)) pool
    let pool' = (map head . map orderFitness) variants
    return pool'

evolve :: (Gene g) => Int -> [g] -> IO [g]
evolve 0 pool = return pool
evolve n pool = do
    pool' <- compete pool
    evolve (n - 1) pool'

With species pool = 8, a pool of 8 genes replicates to 8 groups. Each group mutates, and the fittest of each group is selected for further evolution (back to 8 genes).


like image 270
mcandre Avatar asked May 10 '11 21:05


1 Answers

If you're interested in performance, I'd use a fast random number generator, such as:

  • The mersenne-random package

Secondly, compete looks very suspicious, as it is entirely lazy, despite building some potentially large structures. Try rewriting it to be a bit stricter, using the deepseq hammer:

import Control.DeepSeq    

compete :: (Gene g, NFData g) => [g] -> IO [g]
compete pool = do
    let s = species pool
    variants <- (mapM (mapM mutate) . map (replicate s)) pool
    let pool' = (map head . map orderFitness) variants
    pool' `deepseq` return pool'

None of this stuff needs to be in IO, though, (separate issue). Something like the Rand monad may be more appropriate.

like image 110
Don Stewart Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Don Stewart