I want to call Text.Printf function printf with array but I can't find a way. Here are two not working versions (actually same idea).
import Text.Printf
printfa :: (PrintfArg a) => String -> [a] -> String
printfa format args = step (printf format) args
step :: (PrintfType r, PrintfArg a) => r -> [a] -> r
step res (x:[]) = res x
step res (x:xs) = step (res x) xs
printfa' :: (PrintfArg a) => String -> [a] -> String
printfa' format args = foldr (\arg p -> p arg) (printf format) args
main = putStrLn $ printfa "%s %s" ["Hello", "World"]
GHC errors are:
Couldn't match type `r' with `a1 -> r'
`r' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
step :: (PrintfType r, PrintfArg a1) => r -> [a1] -> r
at printfa.hs:8:5
The function `res' is applied to one argument,
but its type `r' has none
In the expression: res x
In an equation for `step': step res (x : []) = res x
The function `p' is applied to one argument,
but its type `String' has none
In the expression: p arg
In the first argument of `foldr', namely `(\ arg p -> p arg)'
In the expression: foldr (\ arg p -> p arg) (printf format) args
(Why: I'm writing DSL and want to provide printf function.)
First, realize that PrintfArg a => [a]
is not a heterogenous list. That is, even though Int
and String
are both instances of PrintfArg
, [ 1 :: Int, "foo" ]
is not a valid construct.
So if you did define a function :: PrintfArg a => String -> [a] -> String
, that all the args would be constrained to be of the same type.
To get around this, you can use existential quantification.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Text.Printf
data PrintfArgT = forall a. PrintfArg a => P a
printfa :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
printfa format = printfa' format . reverse
where printfa' :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
printfa' format [] = printf format
printfa' format (P a:as) = printfa' format as a
main = do
printfa "hello world\n" []
printfa "%s %s\n" [ P "two", P "strings"]
printfa "%d %d %d\n" (map P $ [1 :: Int, 2, 3])
printfa "%d %s\n" [ P (1 :: Int), P "is the loneliest number" ]
The reason your first solution didn't work is because you passed res
to step as an argument.
When you have foo :: Constraint a => a -> t
you guarantee that foo will work on all instances of Constraint
. And though there exists an instance of PrintfType
which can take an argument, not all instances can. Thus your compiler error.
In contrast, when you have foo :: Constraint a => t -> a
, you guarantee that foo will return any desired instance of Constraint
. Again, the caller gets to choose which instance. This is why my code works - when printfa'
recurses, it requires the recursive call to return a value from the (PrintfArg a, PrintfType t) => a -> t
For your second try, the compiler complains because foldr
requires that the accumulated value be of the same type between iterations. GHC notices that the accumulated value must be a function type (PrintfArg a, PrintfType t) => a -> t
, because you apply it in the iterated function. But you return the applied value, which it can figure out is of type t
. This means that t
equals a -> t
, which GHC doesn't like, because it doesn't allow infinite types. So it complains.
If you want to use a fold, you can, you just have to mask the accumulator type using Rank2Types
or RankNTypes
to keep the type constant between iterations.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Text.Printf
data PrintfArgT = forall a. PrintfArg a => P a
data PrintfTypeT = T { unT :: forall r. PrintfType r => r }
printfa :: PrintfType t => String -> [ PrintfArgT ] -> t
printfa format = unT . foldl (\(T r) (P a) -> T $ r a ) (T $ printf format)
I'm not sure this is a minimal solution, but if you know the length of your vectors statically you can use type-indexed Vec
tors and type indexed Fun
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies #-}
import Text.Printf
data Z
data S n
data Vec n a where
Nil :: Vec Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
type family Fn n b a
type instance Fn Z b a = a
type instance Fn (S n) b a = b -> Fn n b a
-- in order to tell the compiler that we want to consider a function as a `Fn`
newtype Fun n b a = Fun (Fn n b a)
run :: Fun n b a -> Vec n b -> a
run (Fun f) v = case v of
Nil -> f
Cons b more -> run (Fun $ f b) more
z :: Vec (S (S Z)) String
z = Cons "foo" (Cons "bar" Nil)
then you can do run (Fun $ printf "%s %s") z
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