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Haskell: How to simplify or eliminate liftM2?

Consider the following code I wrote:

import Control.Monad

increasing :: Integer -> [Integer]
increasing n
    | n == 1    = [1..9]
    | otherwise = do let ps = increasing (n - 1)
                     let last = liftM2 mod ps [10]
                     let next = liftM2 (*) ps [10]
                     alternateEndings next last
    where alternateEndings xs ys = concat $ zipWith alts xs ys
          alts x y = liftM2 (+) [x] [y..9]

Where 'increasing n' should return a list of n-digit numbers whose numbers increase (or stay the same) from left-to-right.

Is there a way to simplify this? The use of 'let' and 'liftM2' everywhere looks ugly to me. I think I'm missing something vital about the list monad, but I can't seem to get rid of them.

like image 726
stusmith Avatar asked Oct 21 '10 15:10


1 Answers

Well, as far as liftM functions go, my preferred way to use those is the combinators defined in Control.Applicative. Using those, you'd be able to write last = mod <$> ps <*> [10]. The ap function from Control.Monad does the same thing, but I prefer the infix version.

What (<$>) and (<*>) goes like this: liftM2 turns a function a -> b -> c into a function m a -> m b -> m c. Plain liftM is just (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b), which is the same as fmap and also (<$>).

What happens if you do that to a multi-argument function? It turns something like a -> b -> c -> d into m a -> m (b -> c -> d). This is where ap or (<*>) come in: what they do is turn something like m (a -> b) into m a -> m b. So you can keep stringing it along that way for as many arguments as you like.

That said, Travis Brown is correct that, in this case, it seems you don't really need any of the above. In fact, you can simplify your function a great deal: For instance, both last and next can be written as single-argument functions mapped over the same list, ps, and zipWith is the same as a zip and a map. All of these maps can be combined and pushed down into the alts function. This makes alts a single-argument function, eliminating the zip as well. Finally, the concat can be combined with the map as concatMap or, if preferred, (>>=). Here's what it ends up:

increasing' :: Integer -> [Integer]
increasing' 1 = [1..9]
increasing' n = increasing' (n - 1) >>= alts
    where alts x = map ((x * 10) +) [mod x 10..9]

Note that all refactoring I did to get to that version from yours was purely syntactic, only applying transformations that should have no impact on the result of the function. Equational reasoning and referential transparency are nice!

like image 161
C. A. McCann Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09

C. A. McCann