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Haskell: how to deal with IO monad inside another IO monad?



just started learning haskell - love it after a week. At the moment going through the monads pain, not there yet but hopefully it will click.

I am trying to put together a function similar to pythons walk() but simpler. Given a path I want to generate list of tuples. A tuple for each sub directory (lets just assume that there will be only directories). The tuple would contain path of the directory as its first element and list of files the directory contains as the second element.

I don't know if I explained it correctly but here is the code:

walkDir :: String -> IO [IO (FilePath, [FilePath])]
walkDir path = do
  dir <- getDirectoryContents path  
  let nd = [x | x <- dir, notElem x [".",".."]]
  return (map getcont nd)
      getcont path = do
      cont <- getDirectoryContents path
      return (path,cont)

My concern is IO inside IO and how to deal with it?? Is it possible to cancel them out? Is it possible to unwrap at least the internal IO? Is this kind of return normal?

I can not even print this kind of return. Do I have to create an instance of show for this to be printed correctly?

There most likely exist a similar function in some haskell library but this is for educational purpose. I want to learn. So any suggestions welcome.

Thank you very much.

like image 655
r.sendecky Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 05:12


1 Answers

Check out Control.Monad for mapM.

Then this

return (map getcont nd)


mapM getcont nd
like image 102
Kurt Stutsman Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 18:03

Kurt Stutsman