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Haskell: Are type variables in "where" clauses in the same namespace with their parents?

In the following snippet (I have abstracted all other trivial parts)

data T s = T (s -> s)

foo :: T s -> s -> s
foo (T f) x = bar x where
    bar :: s -> s
    bar a = f a

I got following error

Couldn't match expected type `s1' with actual type `s'
  `s1' is a rigid type variable bound by
       the type signature for bar :: s1 -> s1 at /tmp/test.hs:5:12
  `s' is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for foo :: T s -> s -> s at /tmp/test.hs:3:8
In the return type of a call of `f'
In the expression: f a
In an equation for `bar': bar a = f a

my guess was that the type variables in bar's signature don't share the namespace with foo, so the compiler can't infer that the two s actually mean the same type.

Then I found this page Scoped type variables, which suggests that I can use {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}, which didn't help. I got the same error.

like image 789
sqd Avatar asked Oct 11 '15 15:10


2 Answers

Are type variables in “where” clauses in the same namespace with their parents?

No*. This gets a little bit easier if you think of foo :: s -> s in terms of foo :: forall s. s -> s. After all, a type variable indicates that the function works for any type s. Let's add explicit quantifications to your code:

{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}

data T s = T (s -> s)

foo :: forall s. T s -> s -> s
foo (T f) x = bar x where
    bar :: forall s. s -> s
    bar a = f a

As you can see, there are two forall s. there. But the one in bar is wrong. After all, you cannot choose any s there, but the one already used in s. This can be done by enabling ScopedTypeVariables:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

data T s = T (s -> s)

--     vvvvvvvv  explicit here
foo :: forall s. T s -> s -> s
foo (T f) x = bar x where
    --     vvvvvv  same as above here
    bar :: s -> s
    bar a = f a

However, there are some tricks to get rid of ScopedTypeVariables. For example the following in this case:

data T s = T (s -> s)

foo :: T s -> s -> s
foo (T f) x = (bar `asTypeOf` idType x) x where

    bar a = f a

    idType :: a -> a -> a
    idType a _ = a

-- For completion, definition and type of 'asTypeOf'
-- asTypeOf :: a -> a -> a
-- asTypeOf x _ = x

For any x :: s the term idType x has type s -> s, and asTypeOf enforces both to have the same type.

Depending on your actual code, something like this might be more or less feasible.

* Well, in this case, since it's possible to use ScopedTypeVariables, see later part of the answer.

like image 60
Zeta Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09


ScopedTypeVariables are indeed the solution, but there's an extra requirement to use them: You must put explicit foralls in the type signatures declaring the variables you want to scope, like this:

foo :: forall s. T s -> s -> s

This is so that the meaning of signatures in code doesn't depend on whether the extension is enabled or not.

like image 27
Ørjan Johansen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Ørjan Johansen