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Hashing Plaid Request Body Webhook

I am trying to verify a webhook sent from Plaid's API. Every webhook request is sent with a 'plaid-verification' header which is a JSON Web Token.

The steps required to validate are:

  1. Extract JWT from request header

signed_jwt = eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjZjNTUxNmUxLTkyZGMtNDc5ZS1hOGZmLTVhNTE5OTJlMDAwMSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTA4ODcwMDEsInJlcXVlc3RfYm9keV9zaGEyNTYiOiJiNjNhMDdiNTQ3YjAwZjk5MjU0N2Y2YmJjOGQ5YWNjNjFhOGNjZWUxMzhiYzgyZjQ0YTZiYWEwOTY4M2E1ZDBmIn0.OOKvIihgqCj7Qrb2bmz7T3t7uK-0JyjiEqL2s1kWeJBM4MMmjaHKK8GmU_z91QolBWMzvPgs718EElY-rE3cwQ

  1. Extract JWT header value without validating the signature, which looks like this:
      "alg": "ES256",
      "kid": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001",
      "typ": "JWT"
  1. Extract the kid and POST to /webhook_verification_key/get
    POST /webhook_verification_key/get
        "client_id": "MY_CLIENT_ID"
        "secret": "MY_SECRET_ID"
        "key_id": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001"

The response is:

  "key": {
    "alg": "ES256",
    "created_at": 1560466143,
    "crv": "P-256",
    "expired_at": null,
    "kid": "6c5516e1-92dc-479e-a8ff-5a51992e0001",
    "kty": "EC",
    "use": "sig",
    "x": "35lvC8uz2QrWpQJ3TUH8t9o9DURMp7ydU518RKDl20k",
    "y": "I8BuXB2bvxelzJAd7OKhd-ZwjCst05Fx47Mb_0ugros"
  "request_id": "HvfCtrDLG1ihcp7"
  1. Interpret key as a JSON Web Key, validate that the signature of the JSON Web Key is valid, and extract the payload (using jose python library)
claims = jwt.decode(signed_jwt, key, algorithms=['ES256'])

claims = {
             "iat": 1590887001, 
             "request_body_sha256": "b63a07b547b00f992547f6bbc8d9acc61a8ccee138bc82f44a6baa09683a5d0f"
  1. Compute the SHA-256 of the request body and ensure that it matches claims['request_body_sha256']:

Body is in a file body.json

    "error": null,
    "item_id": "yxQbxDjnD8hr69pKbQpbcKeVn3GL9QuyA7NV3",
    "new_transactions": 390,
    "webhook_code": "HISTORICAL_UPDATE",
    "webhook_type": "TRANSACTIONS"

Compute SHA-256 of body.json

f = open('body.json')
body = json.load(f)

m = hashlib.sha256()
body_hash = m.hexdigest()

body_hash = 'efbb5274864518f7eb3834125d9bcdb95fb03066d3d1bed3ebcc6163d8dc3579'

The body hash in the example above does not equal the body hash received from Plaid. There's 2 possible problems here:

  1. Plaid isn't sending the correct body hash (unlikely)
  2. The hash method I'm using to hash the body is not the same as Plaid's method

Is there something I'm missing here? Perhaps the request body is encoded differently on my end? I'm using Node.js and Express in production but I made a Python script to follow the method Plaid outlined here, but I'm still not getting the correct hash. I'm honestly out of ideas.

like image 394
Jacob Godin Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 01:01

Jacob Godin

1 Answers

I shared this with our amazing support team and they found the issue. It seems to be a problem with whitespace. If you modify body.json to have 2 spaces per ‘tab’ on each new line, it will generate the right hash.

like image 105
Alex Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 05:01
