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hashing filenames in webpack - why?

I came across the following in the webpack docs:

    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, "assets", "[hash]"),
        publicPath: "assets/[hash]/",
        filename: "output.[hash].bundle.js",
        chunkFilename: "[id].[hash].bundle.js"

What is the point/purpose of adding the hash to file names? The docs talk alot about how to do it, but not why. What are the scenarios in which this is beneficial?

like image 652
devdropper87 Avatar asked Aug 09 '16 01:08


People also ask

What hash does webpack use?

js for webpack output config will change each chunk across each build. In order to change hash of only that chunk for which there is corrosponding change in webpack entry, you need to use “chunkhash” instead of “hash”. In short you have to replace name. [hash].

Does the hash change with the file name?

Answers: 1) No. The name of a file is a system metadata value stored in the master file table outside of the file, so changing a file's name or extension won't alter its contents and so won't change its hash value.

What is difference between hash and Chunkhash?

[hash] is a "unique hash generated for every build" [chunkhash] is "based on each chunks' content" [contenthash] is "generated for extracted content"

How does webpack caching work?

Cache the generated webpack modules and chunks to improve build speed. Caching will be automatically enabled by default while in watch mode and webpack is set to mode development. I run into this question right after checking out the new changes in webpack 5, one of which was to allow caching to a local file.

2 Answers

The reason is cache busting / invalidation. Some people use a query string for it (?somehash), but that doesn't work with chunk splitting, while hash in filename does. See https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/long-term-caching for the overview.

Note that [chunkhash] cannot be used on the entry chunk if you use require.ensure (or System.import in webpack 2)*; you need to separate the "chunk manifest" from the entry chunk by using something like chunk-manifest-webpack-plugin or inline-manifest-webpack-plugin.

*: In webpack 1, [chunkhash] will always cause the entry chunk to change if any of the "child chunks" changes unless you split the manifest out. In webpack 2, it'll be a compile time error.

like image 177
Jessidhia Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


Assume you do not change file names for your JavaScript bundle and css file name. When you deploy you have probably change something in those files. You will prefer any browser to get those new version of those files (with your changes).

If you will stay with the same filenames browser will say "I dont need to reach the backend I got this file in my cache!" - and use a version not including your changes.

With having a new name for your JavaScript bundle the browser will say - "hey this is a new file" and do http call to get it.

like image 44
chenop Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
