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Hash table implementation




I just bought a book "C Interfaces and Implementations". in chapter one , it has implemented a "Atom" structure, sample code as follow:

#define NELEMS(x) ((sizeof (x))/(sizeof ((x)[0])))
static struct atom {
    struct atom *link;
    int len;
    char *str;
} *buckets[2048];
static unsigned long scatter[] = {
2078917053, 143302914, 1027100827, 1953210302, 755253631, 2002600785,
1405390230, 45248011, 1099951567, 433832350, 2018585307, 438263339,
813528929, 1703199216, 618906479, 573714703, 766270699, 275680090,
1510320440, 1583583926, 1723401032, 1965443329, 1098183682, 1636505764,
980071615, 1011597961, 643279273, 1315461275, 157584038, 1069844923,
471560540, 89017443, 1213147837, 1498661368, 2042227746, 1968401469,
1353778505, 1300134328, 2013649480, 306246424, 1733966678, 1884751139,
744509763, 400011959, 1440466707, 1363416242, 973726663, 59253759,
1639096332, 336563455, 1642837685, 1215013716, 154523136, 593537720,
704035832, 1134594751, 1605135681, 1347315106, 302572379, 1762719719,
269676381, 774132919, 1851737163, 1482824219, 125310639, 1746481261,
1303742040, 1479089144, 899131941, 1169907872, 1785335569, 485614972,
907175364, 382361684, 885626931, 200158423, 1745777927, 1859353594,
259412182, 1237390611, 48433401, 1902249868, 304920680, 202956538,
348303940, 1008956512, 1337551289, 1953439621, 208787970, 1640123668,
1568675693, 478464352, 266772940, 1272929208, 1961288571, 392083579,
871926821, 1117546963, 1871172724, 1771058762, 139971187, 1509024645,
109190086, 1047146551, 1891386329, 994817018, 1247304975, 1489680608,
706686964, 1506717157, 579587572, 755120366, 1261483377, 884508252,
958076904, 1609787317, 1893464764, 148144545, 1415743291, 2102252735,
1788268214, 836935336, 433233439, 2055041154, 2109864544, 247038362,
299641085, 834307717, 1364585325, 23330161, 457882831, 1504556512,
1532354806, 567072918, 404219416, 1276257488, 1561889936, 1651524391,
618454448, 121093252, 1010757900, 1198042020, 876213618, 124757630,
2082550272, 1834290522, 1734544947, 1828531389, 1982435068, 1002804590,
1783300476, 1623219634, 1839739926, 69050267, 1530777140, 1802120822,
316088629, 1830418225, 488944891, 1680673954, 1853748387, 946827723,
1037746818, 1238619545, 1513900641, 1441966234, 367393385, 928306929,
946006977, 985847834, 1049400181, 1956764878, 36406206, 1925613800,
2081522508, 2118956479, 1612420674, 1668583807, 1800004220, 1447372094,
523904750, 1435821048, 923108080, 216161028, 1504871315, 306401572,
2018281851, 1820959944, 2136819798, 359743094, 1354150250, 1843084537,
1306570817, 244413420, 934220434, 672987810, 1686379655, 1301613820,
1601294739, 484902984, 139978006, 503211273, 294184214, 176384212,
281341425, 228223074, 147857043, 1893762099, 1896806882, 1947861263,
1193650546, 273227984, 1236198663, 2116758626, 489389012, 593586330,
275676551, 360187215, 267062626, 265012701, 719930310, 1621212876,
2108097238, 2026501127, 1865626297, 894834024, 552005290, 1404522304,
48964196, 5816381, 1889425288, 188942202, 509027654, 36125855,
365326415, 790369079, 264348929, 513183458, 536647531, 13672163,
313561074, 1730298077, 286900147, 1549759737, 1699573055, 776289160,
2143346068, 1975249606, 1136476375, 262925046, 92778659, 1856406685,
1884137923, 53392249, 1735424165, 1602280572
const char *Atom_new(const char *str, int len) {
    unsigned long h;
    int i;
    struct atom *p;
    assert(len >= 0);
    for (h = 0, i = 0; i < len; i++)
        h = (h<<1) + scatter[(unsigned char)str[i]];
    h &= NELEMS(buckets)-1;
    for (p = buckets[h]; p; p = p->link)
        if (len == p->len) {
            for (i = 0; i < len && p->str[i] == str[i]; )
            if (i == len)
                return p->str;
    p = ALLOC(sizeof (*p) + len + 1);
    p->len = len;
    p->str = (char *)(p + 1);
    if (len > 0)
        memcpy(p->str, str, len);
    p->str[len] = '\0';
    p->link = buckets[h];
    buckets[h] = p;//insert atom in front of list
    return p->str;

at end of chapter , in exercises 3.1, the book's author said "Most texts recommend using a prime number for the size of buckets. Using a prime and a good hash function usually gives a better distribution of the lengths of the lists hanging off of buckets. Atom uses a power of two, which is sometimes explicitly cited as a bad choice. Write a program to generate or read, say, 10,000 typical strings and measure Atom_new’s speed and the distribution of the lengths of the lists. Then change buckets so that it has 2,039 entries (the largest prime less than 2,048), and repeat the measurements. Does using a prime help? How much does your conclusion depend on your specific machine?"

so I did changed that hash table size to 2039,but it seems a prime number actually made a bad distribution of the lengths of the lists, I have tried 64, 61, 61 actually made a bad distribution too.

I am just want to know why a prime table size make a bad distribution, is this because the hash function used with Atom_new a bad hash function?

I am using this function to print out the lengths of the atom lists

#define B_SIZE 2048
void Atom_print(void)
    int i,t;
    struct atom *atom;
    for(i= 0;i<B_SIZE;i++) {
        t = 0;
        for(atom=buckets[i];atom;atom=atom->link) {
        printf("%d ",t);
like image 855
anru Avatar asked Jun 15 '11 22:06


People also ask

How are hash tables implemented?

Hashing is implemented in two steps: An element is converted into an integer by using a hash function. This element can be used as an index to store the original element, which falls into the hash table. The element is stored in the hash table where it can be quickly retrieved using hashed key.

What is hashing and how it can be implemented?

Hashing is the process of transforming any given key or a string of characters into another value. This is usually represented by a shorter, fixed-length value or key that represents and makes it easier to find or employ the original string. The most popular use for hashing is the implementation of hash tables.

How is hash table implemented in Java?

The Hashtable class implements a hash table, which maps keys to values. Any non-null object can be used as a key or as a value. To successfully store and retrieve objects from a hashtable, the objects used as keys must implement the hashCode method and the equals method.

2 Answers

Well, along time ago I had to implement a hash table (in driver development), and I about the same. Why the heck should I use a prime number? OTOH power of 2 is even better - instead of calculating the modulus in case of power of 2 you may use bitwise AND.

So I've implemented such a hash table. The key was a pointer (returned by some 3rd-party function). Then, eventually I noticed that in my hash table only 1/4 of all the entries is filled. Because that hash function I used was identity function, and just in case it turned out that all the returned pointers are multiples of 4.

The idea of using the prime numbers for the hash table size is the following: real-world hash functions do not produce equally-distributed values. Usually there's (or at least there may be) some dependency. So, in order to diffuse this distribution it's recommended to use prime numbers.

BTW, theoretically there may happen that occasionally the hash function will produce the numbers that are multiples of your chosen prime number. But the probability of this is lower than if it was not a prime number.

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valdo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09


I think it's the code to select the bucket. In the code you pasted it says:

h &= NELEMS(buckets)-1;

That works fine for sizes which are powers of two, since its final effect is choosing the lower bits of h. For other sizes, NELEMS(buckets)-1 will have bits in 0 and the bit-wise & operator will discard those bits, effectively leaving "holes" in the bucket list.

The general formula for bucket selection is:

h = h % NELEMS(buckets);
like image 26
Gustavo Giráldez Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09

Gustavo Giráldez