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has_many, through associations in Ecto

I'm still trying to grok how to deal with creating/updating has_many, through: associations in Ecto. I've re-read José's post on associations as well as the docs, but I'm still struggling.

What I have is this:


defmodule Mp.Dish do
  use Mp.Web, :model

  schema "dishes" do
    # ...
    has_many :dish_dietary_prefs, Mp.DishDietaryPref, on_delete: :delete_all,
      on_replace: :delete
    has_many :dietary_prefs, through: [:dish_dietary_prefs, :dietary_pref]

  # ...


defmodule Mp.DietaryPref do
  use Mp.Web, :model

  schema "dietary_prefs" do
    # ...
    has_many :dish_dietary_prefs, Mp.DishDietaryPref, on_delete: :delete_all,
      on_replace: :delete
    has_many :dishes, through: [:dish_dietary_prefs, :dish]

  # ...


defmodule Mp.DishDietaryPref do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "dish_dietary_prefs" do
    belongs_to :dish, Mp.Dish
    belongs_to :dietary_pref, Mp.DietaryPref

I have a JSON endpoint that receives parameters for a Dish, inside which I have a key called dietary_prefs that is passed as a comma-delimited string, so, for example:

[info] POST /api/vendors/4/dishes
[debug] Processing by Mp.Api.DishController.create/2
  Parameters: %{"dish" => %{"dietary_prefs" => "2,1"}, "vendor_id" => "4"}

(With additional parameters for "dish" removed for this SO post.)

How do I handle this in my controller? Specifically, I want this behavior:

  1. For POST requests (create actions), create the necessary records in dish_dietary_prefs to associate this new Dish with the given DietaryPrefs. The comma-delimited string are ids for DietaryPref records.
  2. For PUT/PATCH requests (updates), create/destroy the necessary records in dish_dietary_prefs to update the associations (users can re-assign dishes to different dietary prefs).
  3. For DELETE requests, destroy dish_dietary_prefs. I think this case is already handled with the on_delete configuration in the models.

I already have the logic in my controller to create/update dishes for a given vendor (which is just a simple has_many/belongs_to relationship), but I still can't figure out how to create/update/destroy these associations for a given dish.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I will "need to receive the IDs and manually build the intermediate association for each" DietaryPref I am associating to the Dish, could I get an example of how I would do that to the above specification in my controller?

UPDATE: Just seeing that Ecto 2.0.0-beta.1 is out, and that is supports many_to_many, which looks like it would be a solution to my problem. Anyone have an example of using it in action, like I've described above?

like image 491
neezer Avatar asked Mar 02 '16 19:03


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9.0) Changesets allow filtering, casting, validation and definition of constraints when manipulating structs. There is an example of working with changesets in the introductory documentation in the Ecto module.

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1 Answers

Thanks to the inimitable Jedi-Master José Valim himself, I have got this figured out (in Ecto 2.0.0-beta.1):

Here's my final controller:

def create(conn, %{"dish" => dish_params }, vendor) do
  dietary_prefs = get_dietary_pref_changeset(dish_params["dietary_prefs"])

  changeset = vendor
  |> build_assoc(:dishes)
  |> Repo.preload(:dietary_prefs)
  |> Dish.changeset(dish_params)
  |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:dietary_prefs, dietary_prefs)

  case Repo.insert(changeset) do
    {:ok, dish} ->
      |> put_status(:created)
      |> render("show.json", dish: dish)
    {:error, changeset} ->
      |> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
      |> render(ChangesetView, "error.json", changeset: changeset)

def update(conn, %{"id" => id, "dish" => dish_params}, vendor) do
  dish = Repo.get!(vendor_dishes(vendor), id)
  dietary_prefs = get_dietary_pref_changeset(dish_params["dietary_prefs"])

  changeset = dish
  |> Repo.preload(:dietary_prefs)
  |> Dish.changeset(dish_params)
  |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:dietary_prefs, dietary_prefs)

  case Repo.update(changeset) do
    { :ok, dish } ->
      render(conn, "show.json", dish: dish)
    { :error, changeset } ->
      |> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
      |> render(ChangesetView, "error.json", changeset: changeset)

defp vendor_dishes(vendor) do
  assoc(vendor, :dishes)

defp parse_dietary_pref_ids(ids) do
  |> String.split(",")
  |> Enum.map(fn(x) -> Integer.parse(x) |> Kernel.elem(0) end)

defp get_dietary_prefs_with_ids(ids) do
  from(dp in DietaryPref, where: dp.id in ^ids) |> Repo.all

defp get_dietary_pref_changeset(param) do
  |> parse_dietary_pref_ids
  |> get_dietary_prefs_with_ids
  |> Enum.map(&Ecto.Changeset.change/1)


like image 61
neezer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
