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Has anyone compiled a rabbitmq/amqp library for php 5.2.x on windows x64

I'm trying to publish messages to RabbitMQ from a php (5.2.x) script on my windows X64 dev machine.

The problem is that I didn't find any dll extension for php. My collegue is actually trying to build it (cf. How do you compile a PHP extension on windows with cygwin/mingw?), but without success :(.

Does anyone know where I can find a valid/working RabbitMQ dll extension for php (5.2.x)? Or if someone has the experience to do it correctly and quickly it would certainly be very helpful.

like image 852
Toni Van de Voorde Avatar asked Sep 15 '10 09:09

Toni Van de Voorde

1 Answers

Why not use php-amqplib? Technically there's no need for this to be written as a low-level extension, Amqp is a TCP level protocol, it's possible to implement these in PHP.

like image 68
Robin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09
