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I'm looking for a CMS like dotcms but written in PHP [closed]

I'm looking for a PHP CMS that works a bit like dotcms. It needs to:

  1. Provide the facility to create new content types/structures and surface content from these in modules added to a page.
  2. Provide the ability to graphically add and move pre-created modules around a page (moving up/down within the same column is acceptable).
  3. Store all code in files on disk so that they can be versioned properly.

Additionally, it needs to place a strong focus on security, accessibility and support friendly URL formats.

I've considered Drupal but would ideally like something that's closer to a CMS than an application framework. I've also been looking at MODx and SilverStripe but am not sure if they're close enough to my needs.

Any ideas?

like image 777
Ed Eliot Avatar asked Jul 26 '10 08:07

Ed Eliot

1 Answers

For PHP CMS systems that have enterprise capabilities like versioning, custom content types, workflow, buildin multilanguage and multisite, templating engine, scheduling engine, good frameworks etc. you automatically come to these ones: Drupal (good tech base, steep dev learning curve, questionable usability), Typo3 (good tech base, steeper dev learning curve, bad usability), EZ Publish (good tech base, steep learning curve, decent usability), Silverstripe (good tech, shallower learning curve, decent usability).

CMS systems like Expression Engine, Wordpress, MODx etc. are nice, but lack the real big enterprise functionality like versioning, workflow, build-in multisite and multilanguage, custom contenttypes etc.


like image 90
olaf Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 17:09
