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Harvest files from multiple directories in wix with HeatDirectory

So far, I was doing this to harvest files from single directory:

<HeatDirectory DirectoryRefId="INSTALLFOLDER" OutputFile="references.wxs" 
  Directory="../MyProject/reference1" ComponentGroupName="ref1" 
  ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" PreprocessorVariable="var.ref1" 

How can I harvest files from multiple directories into one .wxs file with HeatDirectory like below:

<HeatDirectory OutputFile="references.wxs" 
  Directory="directory1_Path|Directory2_Path|...." ComponentGroupName="ref1" 
  ToolPath="$(WixToolPath)" AutogenerateGuids="true">

Is there some way to do it or do I need to have multiple HeatDirectory elements in my wixproject file?

like image 798
Victor Mukherjee Avatar asked May 03 '13 09:05

Victor Mukherjee

1 Answers

HeatDirectory (as its name implies) only harvests one directory (and optionally its children) at a time. To harvest two directory roots, you'll need two HeatDirectory elements. You'll also need to output two different .wxs files otherwise one harvest action will overwrite the other's output file.

like image 132
Rob Mensching Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Rob Mensching