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Happens before and program order in Java Memory Model

I have some question regarding program order and how it affects reorderings in the JMM.

In the Java Memory Model, program order (po) is defined as the total order of actions in each thread in a program. According to the JLS, this induces happens-before (hb) edges:

If x and y are actions of the same thread and x comes before y in program order, then hb(x, y) (i.e. x happens-before y).

So for a simple program P:

  initially, x = y = 0
     T1     |     T2
  1. r1 = x | 3. r2 = y  
  2. y = 1  | 4. x = r2

I think po(1, 2) and po(3, 4). Thus, hb(1, 2) and hb(3, 4).

Now suppose I wanted to reorder some of these statements, giving me P':

  initially, x = y = 0
     T1     |     T2
  2. y = 1  | 3. r2 = y  
  1. r1 = x | 4. x = r2

According to this paper, we can reorder any two adjacent statements (e.g. 1 and 2), provided that the reordering doesn't eliminate any transitive happens-before edges in any valid execution. However, since hb is defined (partially) by po, and po is a total order over a thread's actions, it seems to me that it would be impossible to reorder any two statements without violating hb, thus P' is not a legal transformation.

My questions are:

  1. Is my understanding of po and hb correct, and have I correctly defined po and hb with respect to the above program P?
  2. Where is my understanding about reordering with regards to hb failing?
like image 885
Kumalh Avatar asked Sep 10 '15 03:09


People also ask

What is happens-before rule in JVM?

Happens-before is not any keyword or object in the Java language, it is simply a discipline put into place so that in a multi-threading environment the reordering of the surrounding instructions does not result in a code that produces incorrect output.

What is true about happens-before relationship?

'happens-before relationship' means that those set of statements are guaranteed to execute before another set of statements. So in 1st scenario.. statements leading up to starting of a new thread have a happens-before relationship with the statements that will be executed by the newly started thread.

Why is the happens-before relationship still useful?

The Happens-before relationship provides some sort of ordering and visibility guarantee. There is a lot of rule concerning Happens-before (which you can read on Java Concurrency in Practice). Still, the most important one is if there is a synchronization like a synchronized block or a volatile variable then.

How does memory management work in Java?

Java objects reside in an area called the heap. The heap is created when the JVM starts up and may increase or decrease in size while the application runs. When the heap becomes full, garbage is collected. During the garbage collection objects that are no longer used are cleared, thus making space for new objects.

2 Answers

I think a key issue is with your construction P'. It implies that the way re-ordering works is that re-ordering is global - the entire program is re-ordered in single way (on each execution) which obeys the memory model. Then you are trying to reason about this P' and find out that no interesting re-orderings are possible!

What actually occurs is that there is no particular global order for statements not related by a hb relationship, so different threads can see different apparent orders on the same execution. In your example, there are no edges between {1,2} and {3,4} statements in one set can see those in the other set in any order. For example, it is possible that T2 observes 2 before 1, but that then T3, which is identical to T2 (with its own private variables), observes the opposite! So there is no single reordering P' - each thread may observe their own reorderings, as long as they are consistent with the JMM rules.

like image 25
BeeOnRope Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 15:10


You're missing this part of the JLS:

It should be noted that the presence of a happens-before relationship between two actions does not necessarily imply that they have to take place in that order in an implementation. If the reordering produces results consistent with a legal execution, it is not illegal.

In your case, since 1 and 2 are unrelated, they can be flipped. Now if 2 had been y = r1, then 1 must happen before 2 for the right result.

The real problem occurs with multi-processor execution. Without any happen-before boundaries, T2 may observe 2 happening before 1, regardless of execution order.

This is because of CPU caching. Let's say T1 executed 1 and 2, in any order. Since no happen-before boundary exist, these actions are still in CPU cache, and depending on other needs, the part of the cache containing the result of 2 may be flushed before the part of the cache that contains the result of 1.

If T2 executes between those two cache flush events, it'll observe 2 has happened and 1 hasn't, i.e. 2 happened before 1, as far as T2 knows.

If this is not allowed, then T1 must establish a happens-before boundary between 1 and 2.

In Java there are various ways of doing that. The old style would be to put 1 and 2 into separate synchronized blocks, because the start and end of a synchronized block is a happens-before boundary, i.e. any action before the block happens before actions inside the block, and any action inside the block happens before actions coming after the block.

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Andreas Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
