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Handling ViewExpiredException depending on the current view

I am using JSF 2.0 and Primefaces in my project.

I have two xhtml pages namely Cars.xhtml and Bikes.xhtml.

I am using ViewScoped backing beans.

Currently If get view expired exception from any of the two pages,im handling it in the web.xml. through the error-page tag and directing to welcome.xhtml.

Now If i get a viewexpired exception from Bikes.xhtml I need to direct to another page which is BikesHome.xhtml instead of welcome.xhtml.

If the exception is from Cars.xhtml, welcome.xhtml should be shown.

Please help me how to do.

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user1234 Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 15:01


1 Answers

I not 100% sure about this (because I haven't tried it myself) but here is my suggestion for - Check this out Dealing Gracefully with ViewExpiredException in JSF2.

if (t instanceof ViewExpiredException) {
    ViewExpiredException vee = (ViewExpiredException) t;

At this point you can get the view id as follows -


And then based on the view id do the desired navigation.

NavigationHandler nh = facesContext.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
//check condition, set view       
nv.handleNavigation(facesContext, null, "/view-id?faces-redirect=true");

Or, I think you could also do -


to redirect.

like image 136
Bhesh Gurung Avatar answered Jan 31 '23 01:01

Bhesh Gurung