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handle @ in mongodb connection string

I have connection string

<add key="MongoDBConnectionString" value="mongodb://user:password@[email protected]/?safe=true"/>

password is password@123 so host is parsing [email protected], how can i handle @ in credential

Edit I have tried to escape it but still same problem

 <add key="MongoDBConnectionString" value="mongodb://user:password&#64;[email protected]/?safe=true"/>

Edit Thanks to alexjamesbrown for helping, following escaping working for me.

<add key="MongoDBConnectionString" value="mongodb://user:password%[email protected]/?safe=true"/>
like image 541
Govind Malviya Avatar asked Jan 15 '13 10:01

Govind Malviya

People also ask

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What is MongoDB connection string?

MongoDB connection string is defined as connection format to join the MongoDB database server, we have using username, hostname, password, and port parameter to connect the database server. Without a connection string, we cannot connect to the database server, we need a connection string to connect the database server.

1 Answers

I posted this as an answer before, but it converted it to a comment...

Escape your @ sign to %40 (in your password string.)

As per the comments, I believe this will work using the C# driver, but might not work when using other drivers (mongoose on node.js for example)

like image 159
Alex Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09
