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MongoDB how to do this where clause update



I have a collection named 'Foo'. I'd like to update every document in the Foo collection that has a bar value of 100 to 1000. What's the best way to run this update in MongoDB to get an efficient update?

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randombits Avatar asked Dec 17 '12 19:12


People also ask

Can we use where clause in MongoDB?

The MongoDB $where operator is used to match documents that satisfy a JavaScript expression. A string containing a JavaScript expression or a JavaScript function can be pass using the $where operator.

What is equivalent command for where clause in MongoDB?

Use the $where operator to pass either a string containing a JavaScript expression or a full JavaScript function to the query system. The $where provides greater flexibility, but requires that the database processes the JavaScript expression or function for each document in the collection.

1 Answers

Use the $set operator to do that:

db.foo.update({bar: 100}, {$set: {bar: 1000}}, false, true)

The fourth parameter sets the multi option to true so that you update all matching documents, not just the first one.


Recent MongoDB versions provide an updateMany method that is a bit more intuitive:

db.foo.updateMany({bar: 100}, {$set: {bar: 1000}})
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JohnnyHK Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
