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Handle an input with React hooks

I found that there are several ways to handle user's text input with hooks. What is more preferable or proper way to handle an input with hooks? Which would you use?

1) The simplest hook to handle input, but more fields you have, more repetitive code you have to write.

const [username, setUsername] = useState(''); const [password, setPassword] = useState(''); 


onChange={event => setPassword(event.target.value)} onChange={event => setUsername(event.target.value)} 

2) Similar to above example, but with dynamic key name

const [inputValues, setInputValues] = useState({   username: '', password: '' });  const handleOnChange = event => {   const { name, value } = event.target;   setInputValues({ ...inputValues, [name]: value }); }; 



3) An alternative to useState, and as said on ReactJS docs, useReducer is usually preferable to useState.

const [inputValues, setInputValues] = useReducer(   (state, newState) => ({ ...state, ...newState }),   {username: '', password: ''} );  const handleOnChange = event => {   const { name, value } = event.target;   setInputValues({ [name]: value }); }; 



4) useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed.

const [inputValues, setInputValues] = useState({    username: '', password: ''  });  const handleOnChange = useCallback(event => {   const { name, value } = event.target;   setInputValues({ ...inputValues, [name]: value }); }); 


like image 573
ligowsky Avatar asked Apr 19 '19 06:04


People also ask

How do you take input in React Hooks?

Solution: Writing an input with React hooksuseInput() will accept an argument called opts , which will allow the developer to pass other input type of properties. Inside useInput() I will create a state hook that will contain the value of the input element and it will be updated onChange event listener .

How do you handle multiple inputs in React Hooks?

Handling multiple input fields in a form with UseState In most scenarios, we will be needing more than one input field from users. To demonstrate this, let's create a registration form. handleChange → in our handleChange function, we use setUser to update the user state.

How do you control input value in React?

The first step to handle form inputs in React is to make it a controlled input. And you can do that by having the component state manage the input. Then, you assign the state to the value or checked prop depending on the input type.

2 Answers

How about writing a reusable function that returns the input value ... and the <input> itself:

 function useInput({ type /*...*/ }) {    const [value, setValue] = useState("");    const input = <input value={value} onChange={e => setValue(e.target.value)} type={type} />;    return [value, input];  } 

That can then be used as:

 const [username, userInput] = useInput({ type: "text" });  const [password, passwordInput] = useInput({ type: "text" });   return <>    {userInput} -> {username} <br />    {passwordInput} -> {password}  </>; 
like image 168
Jonas Wilms Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Jonas Wilms

Yes you can handle react hooks with useState()

import React, {useState} from 'react'  export default () => {     const [fName, setfName] = useState('');     const [lName, setlName] = useState('');     const [phone, setPhone] = useState('');     const [email, setEmail] = useState('');  const submitValue = () => {     const frmdetails = {         'First Name' : fName,         'Last Name' : lName,         'Phone' : phone,         'Email' : email     }     console.log(frmdetails); }  return(     <>     <hr/>     <input type="text" placeholder="First Name" onChange={e => setfName(e.target.value)} />     <input type="text" placeholder="Last Name" onChange={e => setlName(e.target.value)} />     <input type="text" placeholder="Phone" onChange={e => setPhone(e.target.value)} />     <input type="text" placeholder="Email" onChange={e => setEmail(e.target.value)} />     <button onClick={submitValue}>Submit</button>     </>     ) } 
like image 27
Sheo Sagar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Sheo Sagar