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react.js Replace img src onerror

I have a react component that is the detail view from a list.

I am trying to replace the image with a default image if the image does not exist and there is a 404 error.

I would normally use the onerror method in the img tag but that doesn't seem to be working.

I am not sure how to do this with react.

Here is my component:

import React from 'react'; import {Link} from 'react-router'; import ContactStore from '../stores/ContactStore' import ContactActions from '../actions/ContactActions';  class Contact extends React.Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = ContactStore.getState();     this.onChange = this.onChange.bind(this);   }  componentDidMount() {   ContactStore.listen(this.onChange);   ContactActions.getContact(this.props.params.id); }  componentWillUnmount() {   ContactStore.unlisten(this.onChange); }  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {   if (prevProps.params.id !== this.props.params.id) {     ContactActions.getContact(this.props.params.id);   } }  onChange(state) {   this.setState(state); }  render() {   return (     <div className='container'>       <div className='list-group'>         <div className='list-group-item animated fadeIn'>           <h4>{this.state.contact.displayname}</h4>           <img src={this.state.imageUrl} />         </div>       </div>     </div>   ); } }  export default Contact; 
like image 474
Joel Lawler Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 21:12

Joel Lawler

People also ask

How do I set a default image in React?

You can simply do this. First, you can use useState like this and give your intended image. in the setImgSrc() give the image you want as the default. Hope this was helpful!

How do I avoid broken image in React?

In React, you can use the an onError (or onLoad ) event handler on the image to either hide the image or reset the image src attribute. In either case, it will hide the broken image icon shown by the browser when an image fails to load.

2 Answers

This works best for me

<img    src={record.picture}   onError={({ currentTarget }) => {     currentTarget.onerror = null; // prevents looping     currentTarget.src="image_path_here";   }} /> 
like image 92
Deepak Mallah Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Deepak Mallah

Since there is no perfect answer, I am posting the snippet I use. I am using reusable Image component that fallbacks to fallbackSrc.

Since the fallback image could fail again and trigger infinite loop of re-rendering, I added errored state.

import React, { Component } from 'react';  import PropTypes from 'prop-types';    class Image extends Component {    constructor(props) {      super(props);        this.state = {        src: props.src,        errored: false,      };    }      onError = () => {      if (!this.state.errored) {        this.setState({          src: this.props.fallbackSrc,          errored: true,        });      }    }      render() {      const { src } = this.state;      const {        src: _1,        fallbackSrc: _2,        ...props      } = this.props;        return (        <img          src={src}          onError={this.onError}          {...props}        />      );    }  }    Image.propTypes = {    src: PropTypes.string,    fallbackSrc: PropTypes.string,  };
like image 35
emil Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09
