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Hadoop name node format warning



When I execute the order

"bin/hadoop namenode -format"

in Linux, I got the below warning,

"WARN common.Util: Path /data/dfs/name should be specified as a URI in configuration files. Please update hdfs configuration."

the namenode dir setting in the file hdfs-site.xml is


when I changed it to


the warning disappeared, so what is the meaning of "file://", why should we add it there?

like image 879
Coinnigh Avatar asked May 17 '16 15:05


People also ask

What does Hadoop NameNode format do?

Hadoop NameNode is the centralized place of an HDFS file system which keeps the directory tree of all files in the file system, and it tracks where across the cluster the file data is kept. In short, it keeps the metadata related to datanodes.

What happens when name node is down?

When the NameNode goes down, the file system goes offline. There is an optional SecondaryNameNode that can be hosted on a separate machine. It only creates checkpoints of the namespace by merging the edits file into the fsimage file and does not provide any real redundancy.

Why name node is in safe mode?

Safemode for the NameNode is essentially a read-only mode for the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) cluster. NameNode might enter into Safemode for different reasons, such as the following: Available space is less than the amount of space required for the NameNode storage directory.

What is Hadoop name node?

NameNode is the master node in the Apache Hadoop HDFS Architecture that maintains and manages the blocks present on the DataNodes (slave nodes). NameNode is a very highly available server that manages the File System Namespace and controls access to files by clients.

1 Answers

It's a major bug https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-15772 and fixed in this commit https://github.com/apache/hadoop/commit/2eb597b1511f8f46866abe4eeec820f4191cc295

You don't need to worry if you hit this issue/bug. It's perfectly fine and ignore this warning.

The description goes like this.

The following warnings are logged on service startup and are noise. It is perfectly valid to list local paths without using the URI syntax.

2018-09-16 23:16:11,393 WARN  common.Util (Util.java:stringAsURI(99)) - Path /hadoop/hdfs/namenode should be specified as a URI in configuration files. Please update hdfs configuration.

Also, Log level has changed from WARNING to INFO with this message

Assuming 'file' scheme for path /hadoop/hdfs/namenode in configuration.

like image 130
Paul Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 21:11
