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guvectorize Not resolving types in nopython mode

I'm struggling with a numba error Untyped global name 'is_a_subset': Cannot determine Numba type of <class 'numba.np.ufunc.gufunc.GUFunc'> This usually means I have fumbled and used a method that isn't supported by numba. The following code fails.

def is_a_subset(x,y,out):
    out[:]=np.array([item in x for item in y])

def test(x,y,z):
    return z.mean()

z = np.empty_like(x)

However removing njit on the test function makes everything work.

def test(x,y,z):
    return z.mean()

Why is numba struggling to resolve types when in no-python mode?
I had also tried without different results

def is_a_subset(x,y,out):
    out[:]=np.array([item in x for item in y])
like image 985
tjaqu787 Avatar asked Sep 12 '21 18:09


1 Answers

I am using Numba 0.53.1 and can replicate this error. This blog on the dynamic dispatch update to guvectorize in Numba 0.53 mentions this at the end (emphasis added):

In the future we would like to bring the @guvectorize capabilities closer to the @vectorize ones. For instance, currently it is not possible to call a guvectorize function from a jitted (@jit) function.

There is a similar open issue with vectorize, but it demonstrates that @vectorize functions can be called in @jit functions, just that it's restricted to the default target = "cpu".

like image 166
BatWannaBe Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
