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Reloading vs. restarting uWSGI to activate code changes

After reading the uWSGI's documentation on reloading, my understanding was that, for an app that uses lazy-apps, writing w to uWSGI's master FIFO should trigger a restart of all workers (and hence activate changes in the Python code).

However, that doesn't seem to work for me. I need to restart the systemd service (systemctl restart myservice) for code changes to take effect. Am I misunderstanding the documentation, or is there an issue with my setup?

My myservice.service file looks like this:

ExecStart=/usr/lib/myservice/virtualenv/bin/uwsgi --ini /etc/myservice/uwsgi.ini
ExecReload=/bin/echo 'w' > /run/myservice/masterfifo
ExecStop=/bin/kill -INT $MAINPID

In particular, systemctl reload myservice should write w to the master FIFO. I can see from the logs in systemctl status myservice that the reload was executed, but the responses to HTTP requests tell me that the old code is still active.

My /etc/myservice/uwsgi.ini like this:

processes = 16
procname-master = myservice
master-fifo = /run/myservice/masterfifo
listen = 128

reload-on-as = 4096
limit-as = 8192
max-requests = 2000

; termination options

; application
chdir = /usr/lib/myservice
virtualenv = /usr/lib/myservice/virtualenv
module = myservice.uwsgi
callable = app  
lazy = True
lazy-apps = True

; logging
logto = /var/log/myservice/uwsgi.log
log-maxsize = 5242880
logdate = [%%Y/%%m/%%d %%H:%%M:%%S]

; stats server
stats-server = :8201

; unix socket config (nginx->uwsgi)
socket = /run/myservice/myservice.sock
chown-socket = api
chmod-socket = 660

I'm running version of uWSGI.

like image 801
Florian Brucker Avatar asked Apr 16 '21 11:04

Florian Brucker

People also ask

How do I restart my uWSGI service?

If you change uwsgi systemd service file, reload the daemon and restart the process by typing: sudo systemctl daemon-reload. sudo systemctl restart uwsgi.

What is lazy apps in uWSGI?

Remember: lazy-apps is different from lazy, the first one only instructs uWSGI to load the application one time per worker, while the second is more invasive (and generally discouraged) as it changes a lot of internal defaults.

What is the use of uWSGI?

uwsgi (all lowercase) is the native binary protocol that uWSGI uses to communicate with other servers. uWSGI is often used for serving Python web applications in conjunction with web servers such as Cherokee and Nginx, which offer direct support for uWSGI's native uwsgi protocol.

How do I disable uWSGI?

If you have the uWSGI process running in the foreground for some reason, you can just hit CTRL+C to kill it off. When dealing with background processes, you'll need to use the master pidfile again. The SIGINT signal will kill uWSGI.

How to reload a uWSGI file?

If you have started uwsgi with the --touch-reload=/path/to/special/file/usually/the.ini option, reloading your uWSGI is a simple matter of touch reloading that file with.

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1 Answers

All I know about uWSGI is that it exists, but I noticed a mistake here:

ExecReload=/bin/echo 'w' > /run/myservice/masterfifo

The man page explains the problem:

This syntax is inspired by shell syntax, but only the meta-characters and expansions described in the following paragraphs are understood, and the expansion of variables is different. Specifically, redirection using "<", "<<", ">", and ">>", pipes using "|", running programs in the background using "&", and other elements of shell syntax are not supported.

In other words, no redirection is taking place and echo will simply receive 3 arguments to print: char w, char > and the string /run/myservice/masterfifo.

Try this instead:

ExecReload=/bin/sh -c '/bin/echo w > /run/myservice/masterfifo'
like image 55
VPfB Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10