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gulp: passing dependent task return stream as parameter



I'm trying to create two gulp tasks, and I'd like the second task to take the first one's output stream and keep applying plugins to it.

Can I pass the first task's return value to the second task?

The following doesn't work:

// first task to be run
gulp.task('concat', function() {
  // returning a value to signal this is sync

// second task to be run
// adding dependency
gulp.task('minify', ['concat'], function(stream) {
  // trying to get first task's return stream
  // and continue applying more plugins on it
    .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))

gulp.task('default', ['minify']);

Is there any way to do this?

like image 923
AmitK Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 03:11


1 Answers

you can't pass stream to other task. but you can use gulp-if module to skip some piped method depending on conditions.

var shouldMinify = (0 <= process.argv.indexOf('--uglify'));

gulp.task('script', function() {
  return gulp.src(['./src/js/*.js'])
      .pipe(gulpif(shouldMinify, uglify())
      .pipe(gulpif(shouldMinify, rename({suffix: '.min'}))

execute task like this to minify

gulp script --minify
like image 157
yshrsmz Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 14:11
