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GUI in python [duplicate]


Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications

I want to create a GUI application in python. Which library is best one?

like image 855
Jijoy Avatar asked Dec 04 '22 15:12


1 Answers

From the question Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications:


It's build on top of Qt, a C++ framework. It's quite advanced and has some good tools like the Qt Designer to design your applications. You should be aware though, that it doesn't feel like Python 100%, but close to it.

This framework is really good. It's being actively developed by Trolltech, who is owned by Nokia. The bindings for Python are developed by Riverbank.

Nokia announced that they'd start to use LGPL for the Qt-Framework starting with Qt 4.5 (to be released in April, I think), but it's not yet sure if Riverbank follows this and releases the bindings for Python under LGPL too. (They have a commercial and a GPL licence at the moment.)

Qt is not only a GUI-framework but has a lot of other classes too, one can create an application by just using Qt classes. (Like SQL, networking…)

Qt doesn't use native GUI elements, but wikipedia mentions that in recent versions Qt uses native widgets where possible. I haven't found evidence in the documentation but for Mac OS X.


wxPython is a binding for Python using the wxWidgets-Framework. This framework is under the LGPL licence and is developed by the open source community.

What I'm really missing is a good tool to design the interface, they have about 3 but none of them is usable.

One thing I should mention is that I found a bug in the tab-view despite the fact that I didn't use anything advanced. (Only on Mac OS X) I think wxWidgets isn't as polished as Qt.

wxPython is really only about the GUI-classes, there isn't much else.

wxWidgets uses native GUI elements.


I haven't got any experience with other GUI frameworks, maybe someone else has.

like image 129
user692601 Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 02:12
