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Guava Joiner doesn't have ability to prefix and suffix [duplicate]

I have requirement in Joiner to have the ability to prefix and suffix elements.

For example

String str[] = {"a", "b", "c"};

Expected output would be:


Do we have any alternative for this? As Guava doesn't do it (or I'm not aware of). With java 8 is there a better alternative?

like image 704
Mohammad Adnan Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 08:01

Mohammad Adnan

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1 Answers

You can use Guava's List#transform to make the transformation a --> 'a' and then use Joiner on the transformed list. transform only works on Iterable objects, though, not on arrays. The code will still be succinct enough:

List<String> strList = Lists.newArraylist(str); // where str is your String[]
Joiner.on(',').join(Lists.transform(str, surroundWithSingleQuotes));

where the transformation is as follows:

Function<String, String> surroundWithSingleQuotes = new Function<String, String>() {
    public String apply(String string) {
        return "'" + string + "'";

One might say this is a long-winded way of doing this, but I admire the amount of flexibility provided by the transform paradigm.

Edit (because now there's Java 8)

In Java 8, all this can be done in a single line using the Stream interface, as follows:

strList.stream().map(s -> "'" + s + "'").collect(Collectors.joining(","));
like image 173
Chthonic Project Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 07:10

Chthonic Project