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Grunt watch: only upload files that have changed


I was able to set up a Grunt task to SFTP files up to my dev server using grunt-ssh:

sftp: {
    dev: {
        files: {
            './': ['**','!{node_modules,artifacts,sql,logs}/**'],
        options: {
            path: '/path/to/project',
            privateKey: grunt.file.read(process.env.HOME+'/.ssh/id_rsa'),
            host: '',
            port: 22,
            username: 'marksthebest',

But this uploads everything when I run it. There are thousands of files. I don't have time to wait for them to upload one-by-one every time I modify a file.

How can I set up a watch to upload only the files I've changed, as soon as I've changed them?

(For the curious, the server is a VM on the local network. It runs on a different OS and the setup is more similar to production than my local machine. Uploads should be lightning quick if I can get this working correctly)

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mpen Avatar asked Dec 05 '13 18:12


3 Answers

What you need is grunt-newer, a task designed especially to update the configuration of any task depending on what file just changed, then run it. An example configuration could look like the following:

watch: {
  all: {
    files: ['**','!{node_modules,artifacts,sql,logs}/**'],
    tasks: ['newer:sftp:dev']
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Ben Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 03:11


You can do that using the watch event of grunt-contrib-watch. You basically need to handle the watch event, modify the sftp files config to only include the changed files, and then let grunt run the sftp task.

Something like this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        secret: grunt.file.readJSON('secret.json'),
        watch: {
            test: {
                files: 'files/**/*',
                tasks: 'sftp',
                options: {
                    spawn: false
        sftp: {
          test: {
            files: {
              "./": "files/**/*"
            options: {
              path: '/path/on/the/server/',
              srcBasePath: 'files/',
              host: 'hostname.com',
              username: '<%= secret.username %>',
              password: '<%= secret.password %>',
              showProgress: true
    }); // end grunt.initConfig

    // on watch events configure sftp.test.files to only run on changed file
    grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
        grunt.config('sftp.test.files', {"./": filepath});


Note the "spawn: false" option, and the way you need to set the config inside the event handler.

Note2: this code will upload one file at a time, there's a more robust method in the same link.

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sdecima Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 05:11


You can achieve that with Grunt:

  • grunt-contrib-watch

  • grunt-rsync

First things first: I am using a Docker Container. I also added a public SSH key into my Docker Container. So I am uploading into my "remote" container only the files that have changed in my local environment with this Grunt Task:

'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt) {


        rsync: {
            options: {
                args: ['-avz', '--verbose', '--delete'],
                exclude: ['.git*', 'cache', 'log'],
                recursive: true
            development: {
                options: {
                    src: './',
                    dest: '/var/www/development',
                    host: '[email protected]',
                    port: 2222

        sshexec: {
            development: {
                command: 'chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/development',
                options: {
                    host: 'www.localhost.com',
                    username: 'root',
                    port: 2222,
                    privateKey: grunt.file.read("/Users/YOUR_USER/.ssh/id_containers_rsa")

        watch: {
            development: {
                files: [
                tasks: ['rsync:development', 'sshexec:development']



    grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch:development']);

Good Luck and Happy Hacking!

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José Pablo Orozco Marín Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 04:11

José Pablo Orozco Marín