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gRPC not generating interface for a service, only a service class

I am new to gRPC and have this problem: I created a .proto with rpc service definition. After compilation I get generated sources: all messages have a class that implements an interface. However a service itself doesn't implement any interface - it's simply not generated. And that's the interface I'm supposed to implement in my server. What am I doing wrong? I am pretty sure gRPC documentation says nothing about this problem.

My .proto service:

syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.blah.my.rpc.api";
option java_outer_classname = "MyServiceProto";
option objc_class_prefix = "Pb";

package com.blah.my.rpc.api;

service MyService
  rpc connect(PbEmptyMessage) returns (PbParameterGroup){}

  rpc getParams(PbGenList) returns (PbParameterGroup){}


message PbEmptyMessage

message PbGenId
      string paramName = 1;
      string systemName = 2;
      string sName = 3;
      string sId = 4;

message PbParameterGroup
       bytes sParameters = 2;
       fixed64 time  = 3;

My plugin definition in maven:


like image 274
Iwavenice Avatar asked May 22 '16 11:05


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a blocking/synchronous stub: this means that the RPC call waits for the server to respond, and will either return a response or raise an exception. a non-blocking/asynchronous stub that makes non-blocking calls to the server, where the response is returned asynchronously.

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1 Answers

Got the answer from plugin developer.

1st thing: goals should be:


2d and main thing: <outputDirectory> is reused between the two goals and thus its contents are rewritten. Removing this parameter solved the problem.

like image 165
Iwavenice Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
