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Groupby Roll up or Roll Down for any kind of aggregates

TL;DR: How can we achieve something similar to Group By Roll Up with any kind of aggregates in pandas? (Credit to @Scott Boston for this term)

I have following dataframe:

       P   Q  R     S  T
0   PLAC  NR  F   HOL  F
1   PLAC  NR  F  NHOL  F
2   TRTB  NR  M  NHOL  M
3   PLAC  NR  M  NHOL  M
4   PLAC  NR  F  NHOL  F
5   PLAC   R  M  NHOL  M
6   TRTA   R  F   HOL  F
7   TRTA  NR  F   HOL  F
8   TRTB  NR  F  NHOL  F
9   PLAC  NR  F  NHOL  F
10  TRTB  NR  F  NHOL  F
11  TRTB  NR  M  NHOL  M
12  TRTA  NR  F   HOL  F
13  PLAC  NR  F   HOL  F
14  PLAC   R  F  NHOL  F

For a list of columns ['Q', 'R', 'S', 'T'], I want to calculate some aggregates on P column on following 4 list of grouping columns:

  1. ['Q']
  2. ['Q', 'R']
  3. ['Q', 'R', 'S']
  4. ['Q', 'R', 'S', 'T']

I've already written the code to group above dataframes in an increasing number of columns, and calculate the aggregate (using count for the shake of simplicity) on each of the groupby object, and finally concatenate them:

cols = list('QRST')
aggCol = 'P'
groupCols = []
result = []
for col in cols:
result = pd.concat(result)[groupCols+['count']]

However, I've strong feeling that above method is not so efficient in terms of CPU time. Is there a more efficient way to apply aggregate on such continuously increasing number of columns for grouping?

Why I think it is not so efficient is because: For above values, in first iteration, it groups the dataframe on Q column then calculates aggregate. Then in next iteration it groups the dataframe on Q and R, that means it again needs to group it by Q then R, but it was already grouped by Q in the first iteration, so the same operation is repeating. If there is some way to utilize the previously created groups, I think it'll be efficient.


    Q    R     S    T  count
0  NR  NaN   NaN  NaN     12
1   R  NaN   NaN  NaN      3
0  NR    F   NaN  NaN      9
1  NR    M   NaN  NaN      3
2   R    F   NaN  NaN      2
3   R    M   NaN  NaN      1
0  NR    F   HOL  NaN      4
1  NR    F  NHOL  NaN      5
2  NR    M  NHOL  NaN      3
3   R    F   HOL  NaN      1
4   R    F  NHOL  NaN      1
5   R    M  NHOL  NaN      1
0  NR    F   HOL    F      4
1  NR    F  NHOL    F      5
2  NR    M  NHOL    M      3
3   R    F   HOL    F      1
4   R    F  NHOL    F      1
5   R    M  NHOL    M      1

I already looked into Is there an equivalent of SQL GROUP BY ROLLUP in Python pandas? and Pandas Pivot tables row subtotals, they don't work in my case, I already tried them i.e. These method can be used to get the count only, and immediately fail even for unique counts when the same identifier appears for more than one values:

pd.pivot_table(df, aggCol, columns=cols, aggfunc='count', margins=True).T.reset_index()
    Q    R     S  T  P
0  NR    F   HOL  F  4
1  NR    F  NHOL  F  5
2  NR    M  NHOL  M  3
3  NR  All           3
4   R    F   HOL  F  1
5   R    F  NHOL  F  1
6   R    M  NHOL  M  1
7   R  All           3


In order to avoid any unnecessary confusion with just getting the count as per suggestion in the comment, I have added it for the mean as aggregate, changing P column to a numeric type:

    P   Q  R     S  T
0   9  NR  F   HOL  F
1   7  NR  F  NHOL  F
2   3  NR  M  NHOL  M
3   9  NR  M  NHOL  M
4   1  NR  F  NHOL  F
5   0   R  M  NHOL  M
6   1   R  F   HOL  F
7   7  NR  F   HOL  F
8   2  NR  F  NHOL  F
9   2  NR  F  NHOL  F
10  1  NR  F  NHOL  F
11  2  NR  M  NHOL  M
12  3  NR  F   HOL  F
13  6  NR  F   HOL  F
14  0   R  F  NHOL  F

cols = list('QRST')
cols = list('QRST')
aggCol = 'P'
groupCols = []
result = []
for col in cols:
result = pd.concat(result)[groupCols+['agg']]
>>> result
    Q    R     S    T   agg
0  NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  4.33
1   R  NaN   NaN  NaN  0.33
0  NR    F   NaN  NaN  4.22
1  NR    M   NaN  NaN  4.67
2   R    F   NaN  NaN  0.50
3   R    M   NaN  NaN  0.00
0  NR    F   HOL  NaN  6.25
1  NR    F  NHOL  NaN  2.60
2  NR    M  NHOL  NaN  4.67
3   R    F   HOL  NaN  1.00
4   R    F  NHOL  NaN  0.00
5   R    M  NHOL  NaN  0.00
0  NR    F   HOL    F  6.25
1  NR    F  NHOL    F  2.60
2  NR    M  NHOL    M  4.67
3   R    F   HOL    F  1.00
4   R    F  NHOL    F  0.00
5   R    M  NHOL    M  0.00
like image 566
ThePyGuy Avatar asked Aug 17 '21 19:08


People also ask

Which aggregate function is used with rollup?

Specifies the type of aggregation to apply to summarized values. These values appear at the higher levels of lists and crosstabs. For OLAP data sources, a rollup aggregate function of Count Distinct is supported for only levels and member sets.

What is GroupBy AGG?

agg. Function to use for aggregating the data. If a function, must either work when passed a DataFrame or when passed to DataFrame.

How does group by rollup work in SQL?

Under the hood, the ROLLUP function moves from right to left decreasing the number of column expressions that it creates groups and aggregations on. Since the column order affects the ROLLUP output, it can also affect the number of rows returned in the result set. The GROUP BY ROLLUP can be written in one of two ways.

What is the rollup total of the group by clause?

Again, line 3 is the rollup total for Canada, line 7 is the rollup total for the United States and line 8 is the "Grand" rollup total for lines 3 and 7. Another extension, or sub-clause, of the GROUP BY clause is the CUBE. The CUBE generates multiple grouping sets on your specified columns and aggregates them.

What is the difference between group by Cube and group by rollup?

This is similar to the Group By Cube, but you will see the output is slightly different where we don't get as many rows returned for the second query. We can see the first query results are the same as Group By Rollup example, but the second query only returns 9 rows instead of 12 that we got in the Group By Rollup query.

What does the rollup generate?

The ROLLUP generates all grouping sets that make sense considering this hierarchy. This is why we often use ROLLUP to generate the subtotals and the grand total for reporting purposes.

5 Answers

Building on the idea of @ScottBoston (progressive aggregation, i.e., repeatedly aggregating on the previous aggregate result), we can do something that is relatively generic with regard to the aggregation function, if that function can be expressed as a composition of functions ((f3 ∘ f2 ∘ f2 ∘ ... ∘ f1)(x), or in other words: f3(f2(f2(...(f1(x)))))).

For example, sum works fine as is, because sum is associative, so the sum of group sums is the sum of the whole.

For count, the initial function (f1) is indeed count, but f2 has to be sum, and the final f3 has to be identity.

For mean, the initial function (f1) has to produce two quantities: sum and count. The intermediary function f2 can be sum, and the final function (f3) has then to be the ratio of the two quantities.

Here is a rough template, with a few functions defined. As an added bonus, the function also optionally produces a grand total:

# think map-reduce: first map, then reduce (arbitrary number of times), then map to result

myfuncs = {
    'sum': [sum, sum],
    'prod': ['prod', 'prod'],
    'count': ['count', sum],
    'set': [set, lambda g: set.union(*g)],
    'list': [list, sum],
    'mean': [[sum, 'count'], sum, lambda r: r[0]/r[1]],
    'var': [
        [lambda x: (x**2).sum(), sum, 'count'],
        lambda r: (r[0].sum() - r[1].sum()**2 / r[2]) / (r[2] - 1)],
    'std': [
        [lambda x: (x**2).sum(), sum, 'count'],
        lambda r: np.sqrt((r[0].sum() - r[1].sum()**2 / r[2]) / (r[2] - 1))],

totalCol = '__total__'
def agg(df, cols, aggCol, fun, total=True):
    if total:
        cols = [totalCol] + cols
        df = df.assign(__total__=0)
    funs = myfuncs[fun]
    b = df.groupby(cols).agg({aggCol: funs[0]})
    frames = [b.reset_index()]
    for k in range(1, len(cols)):
        b = b.groupby(cols[:-k]).agg(funs[1])
    result = pd.concat(frames).reset_index(drop=True)
    result = result[frames[0].columns]
    if len(funs) > 2:
        s = result[aggCol].apply(funs[2], axis=1)
        result = result.drop(aggCol, axis=1, level=0)
        result[aggCol] = s
        result.columns = result.columns.droplevel(-1)
    if total:
        result = result.drop(columns=[totalCol])
    return result


cols = list('QRST')
aggCol = 'P'

>>> agg(df, cols, aggCol, 'count')
      Q    R     S    T   P
0    NR    F   HOL    F   4
1    NR    F  NHOL    F   5
2    NR    M  NHOL    M   3
3     R    F   HOL    F   1
..  ...  ...   ...  ...  ..
15    R    M   NaN  NaN   1
16   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  12
17    R  NaN   NaN  NaN   3
18  NaN  NaN   NaN  NaN  15
>>> agg(df, cols, aggCol, 'mean')
      Q    R     S    T         P
0    NR    F   HOL    F  6.250000
1    NR    F  NHOL    F  2.600000
2    NR    M  NHOL    M  4.666667
3     R    F   HOL    F  1.000000
..  ...  ...   ...  ...       ...
15    R    M   NaN  NaN  0.000000
16   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  4.333333
17    R  NaN   NaN  NaN  0.333333
18  NaN  NaN   NaN  NaN  3.533333
>>> agg(df, cols, aggCol, 'sum')
      Q    R     S    T   P
0    NR    F   HOL    F  25
1    NR    F  NHOL    F  13
2    NR    M  NHOL    M  14
3     R    F   HOL    F   1
..  ...  ...   ...  ...  ..
15    R    M   NaN  NaN   0
16   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  52
17    R  NaN   NaN  NaN   1
18  NaN  NaN   NaN  NaN  53
>>> agg(df, cols, aggCol, 'set')
      Q    R     S    T                      P
0    NR    F   HOL    F           {9, 3, 6, 7}
1    NR    F  NHOL    F              {1, 2, 7}
2    NR    M  NHOL    M              {9, 2, 3}
3     R    F   HOL    F                    {1}
..  ...  ...   ...  ...                    ...
15    R    M   NaN  NaN                    {0}
16   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN     {1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9}
17    R  NaN   NaN  NaN                 {0, 1}
18  NaN  NaN   NaN  NaN  {0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9}
>>> agg(df, cols, aggCol, 'std')
      Q    R     S    T         P
0    NR    F   HOL    F  2.500000
1    NR    F  NHOL    F  2.509980
2    NR    M  NHOL    M  3.785939
3     R    F   HOL    F       NaN
..  ...  ...   ...  ...       ...
15    R    M   NaN  NaN       NaN
16   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  3.055050
17    R  NaN   NaN  NaN  0.577350
18  NaN  NaN   NaN  NaN  3.181793


  • The code is not as 'pure' as I would like it to be. There are two reasons for that:

    1. groupby likes to do some magic to the shape of the result. For example, in some cases (but not always, strangely enough), if there is only one resulting group, the output is sometimes squeezed to a Series.

    2. the pandas arithmetic on set seems sometimes bogus, or finicky at best. My initial definition had: 'set': [set, sum] and this was working reasonably well (pandas seems to sometimes understand that .agg(sum) on a Series of set objects, it is desirable to apply set.union), except that, weirdly enough, in some conditions we'd get a NaN result instead.

  • This only works for a single aggCol.

  • The expressions for std and var are relatively naive. For improved numerical stability, see Standard Deviation: Rapid calculation methods.


Since the original posting of this answer, another solution has been proposed by @U12-Forward. After a bit of cleaning (e.g. not using recursion, and changing the agg dtype to whatever it needs to be, instead of object, this solution becomes:

def v_u12(df, cols, aggCol, fun):
    newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
    for count in range(1, len(cols)+1):
        groupcols = cols[:count]
        newdf = newdf.append(
            df.groupby(groupcols)[aggCol].agg(fun).reset_index().reindex(columns=groupcols + [aggCol]),
    return newdf

To compare speed, let's generate DataFrames of arbitrary sizes:

def gen_example(n, m=4, seed=-1):
    if seed >= 0:
    aggCol = 'v'
    cols = list(ascii_uppercase)[:m]
    choices = [['R', 'NR'], ['F', 'M'], ['HOL', 'NHOL']]
    df = pd.DataFrame({
        aggCol: np.random.uniform(size=n),
            k: np.random.choice(choices[np.random.randint(0, len(choices))], n)
            for k in cols
    return df

# example
>>> gen_example(8, 5, 0)
          v   A  B  C  D   E
0  0.548814   R  M  F  M  NR
1  0.715189   R  M  M  M   R
2  0.602763  NR  M  M  F   R
3  0.544883   R  F  F  M  NR
4  0.423655  NR  M  F  F  NR
5  0.645894  NR  F  M  M   R
6  0.437587   R  M  F  M  NR
7  0.891773   R  F  M  M   R

We can now compare speed over a range of sizes, using the excellent perfplot package, plus a few definitions:

m = 4
aggCol, *cols = gen_example(2, m).columns
fun = 'mean'

def ours(df):
    funname = fun if isinstance(fun, str) else fun.__name__
    return agg(df, cols, aggCol, funname, total=False)

def u12(df):
    return v_u12(df, cols, aggCol, fun)

def equality_check(a, b):
    a = a.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)
    b = b.sort_values(cols).reset_index(drop=True)
    non_numeric = a[aggCol].dtype == 'object'
    if non_numeric:
        return a[cols+[aggCol]].equals(b[cols+[aggCol]])
    return a[cols].equals(b[cols]) and np.allclose(a[aggCol], b[aggCol])

    setup=lambda n: gen_example(n, m),
    kernels=[ours, u12],
    n_range=[2 ** k for k in range(4, 21)],
    xlabel=f'n rows\n(m={m} columns, fun={fun})'

The comparisons for a few aggregation functions and m values are below (y-axis is average time: lower is better):

m fun perfplot
4 'mean'
10 'mean'
10 'sum'
4 'set'

For functions that are not associative (e.g. 'mean'), our "progressive re-aggregation" needs to keep track of multiple values (e.g., for mean: sum and count), so for relatively small DataFrames, the speed is about twice as slow as u12. But as the size grows, the gain of the re-aggregation overcomes that and ours becomes faster.

like image 83
Pierre D Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Pierre D


Maybe you could try this with recursion.

Like the below:

newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)
cols = list('QRST')
aggCol = 'P'
def aggregation(cols, origcols, aggCol, df, count=1):
    global newdf
    cols = origcols[:count]
    count += 1
    newdf = newdf.append(df.groupby(cols)[aggCol].agg('mean').round(2).reset_index().T.reindex(origcols + [aggCol]).T, ignore_index=True)
    if cols != origcols:
        aggregation(cols, origcols, aggCol, df, count)

aggregation(cols, cols, aggCol, df)
newdf['agg'] = newdf.pop(aggCol)


     Q    R     S    T   agg
0   NR  NaN   NaN  NaN  4.33
1    R  NaN   NaN  NaN  0.33
2   NR    F   NaN  NaN  4.22
3   NR    M   NaN  NaN  4.67
4    R    F   NaN  NaN   0.5
5    R    M   NaN  NaN     0
6   NR    F   HOL  NaN  6.25
7   NR    F  NHOL  NaN   2.6
8   NR    M  NHOL  NaN  4.67
9    R    F   HOL  NaN     1
10   R    F  NHOL  NaN     0
11   R    M  NHOL  NaN     0
12  NR    F   HOL    F  6.25
13  NR    F  NHOL    F   2.6
14  NR    M  NHOL    M  4.67
15   R    F   HOL    F     1
16   R    F  NHOL    F     0
17   R    M  NHOL    M     0


Timing with the following code (running it 5000 times):

import time

u11time1 = time.time()

for i in range(5000):
    df = pd.read_clipboard()
    newdf = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)
    cols = list('QRST')
    aggCol = 'P'
    def aggregation(cols, origcols, aggCol, df, count=1):
        global newdf
        cols = origcols[:count]
        count += 1
        newdf = newdf.append(df.groupby(cols)[aggCol].agg('mean').round(2).reset_index().T.reindex(origcols + [aggCol]).T, ignore_index=True)
        if cols != origcols:
            aggregation(cols, origcols, aggCol, df, count)

    aggregation(cols, cols, aggCol, df)
    newdf['agg'] = newdf.pop(aggCol)

u11time2 = time.time()

print('u11 time:', u11time2 - u11time1)

thepyguytime1 = time.time()

for i in range(5000):
    df = pd.read_clipboard()
    cols = list('QRST')
    aggCol = 'P'
    groupCols = []
    result = []
    for col in cols:
    result = pd.concat(result)[groupCols+['count']]

thepyguytime2 = time.time()

print('ThePyGuy time:', thepyguytime2 - thepyguytime1)


u11 time: 120.2678394317627
ThePyGuy time: 153.01533579826355

My code is faster by 33 seconds...

But if you run it only a few times, i.e. 10 times, my code usually still wins but not with a such a big margin. But for more iterations, i.e. 5000 times, my code performs much faster than your original for loop code.

Conclusion is: My solution runs faster :)

like image 28
U12-Forward Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


I think this is a bit more efficient:

b = df.groupby(cols)[aggCol].count()
l = list(range(b.index.nlevels-1))
p = [b]
while l:

result = pd.concat(p)


7.4 ms ± 55.5 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

vs original

20.7 ms ± 300 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Using sum instead of counting each all elements each time. Count all the elements once then sum for the levels for the index decreasing.

With mean or averaging we can use @PierreD suggest with a sum and a count then aggregate:

from itertools import zip_longest
cols = list('QRST')
aggCol = 'P'
b = df.groupby(cols)[aggCol].agg(['sum', 'count'])
l = list(range(b.index.nlevels-1))
p = [b]
while l:

result = pd.concat(p)
result = result.assign(avg=result['sum']/result['count']).drop(['sum', 'count'], axis=1)

result.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(list(zip_longest(*result.index)))


(NR, F, HOL, F)   6.250000
(NR, F, NHOL, F)  2.600000
(NR, M, NHOL, M)  4.666667
(R, F, HOL, F)    1.000000
(R, F, NHOL, F)   0.000000
(R, M, NHOL, M)   0.000000
(NR, F, HOL)      6.250000
(NR, F, NHOL)     2.600000
(NR, M, NHOL)     4.666667
(R, F, HOL)       1.000000
(R, F, NHOL)      0.000000
(R, M, NHOL)      0.000000
(NR, F)           4.222222
(NR, M)           4.666667
(R, F)            0.500000
(R, M)            0.000000
NR                4.333333
R                 0.333333
like image 45
Scott Boston Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10

Scott Boston

Pandas' groupby feature is versatile, and can take custom functions. I am presenting the solution with a lambda that returns the count, but you could easily substitute np.min or np.max or other custom functions. Please bear in mind that any of these functions should make sense when applied recursively over the groupby's nesting levels (so count, min, max will all make sense; but if you have a statistical function such as mean, you will lose the information needed to calculate correct aggregates at higher groupings).

['PLAC','NR',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F'],
['TRTB','NR',  'M',  'NHOL',  'M'],
['PLAC','NR',  'M',  'NHOL',  'M'],
['PLAC','NR',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F'],
['PLAC','R', 'M', 'NHOL',  'M'],
['TRTA','R',  'F',   'HOL',  'F'],
['TRTA','NR',  'F',   'HOL',  'F'],
['TRTB','NR',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F'],
['PLAC','NR',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F'],
['TRTB','NR',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F'],
['TRTB','NR',  'M',  'NHOL',  'M'],
['TRTA','NR',  'F',   'HOL',  'F'],
['PLAC','NR',  'F',   'HOL',  'F'],
['PLAC','R',  'F',  'NHOL',  'F']],
columns = ['P','Q','R','S','T'])

First, define a groupby-dataframe using the most granular groupings:

grdf = df.groupby(['Q','R','S','T'])['P'].apply(lambda x:len(x)).to_frame()

Now use the unstack() method of the this dataframe to successively obtain aggregates at less granular grouping levels. For instance, at one level higher with index as ['Q','R','S']:

df2 = df.unstack()
result2 = df2.sum(axis=1).rename(str(df2.index.names)).to_frame()

result2 will look like this:

enter image description here

Similarly, compute aggregates at all grouping levels desired and append them all to the same dataframe using a function like this (ideally you can make this a recursive function, but I kept it simple so the flow can be easily seen):

def combine_aggregates(df):
    #if type(grdf) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
    df1 = df
    result1 = df.sum(axis=1).rename(str(df1.index.names)).to_frame()
    df2 = df1.unstack()
    result2 = df2.sum(axis=1).rename(str(df2.index.names)).to_frame()
    df3 = df2.unstack()
    result3 = df3.sum(axis=1).rename(str(df3.index.names)).to_frame()
    df4 = df3.unstack()
    result4 = df4.sum(axis=1).rename(str(df4.index.names)).to_frame()

    return result1.append(result2).append(result3).append(result4)


And the final output will be:

enter image description here

like image 30
HMReliable Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10


Most of code is same except indexing and one extra engine argument

I preset the index, then groupby levels one at a time

Also for performance I try to use numba for numeric types Enhancingperf. It seems depending on size of df, you can add parallel, nogil options in numba.

Numba's first execution could be slow as it compiles, but subsequent execution should be faster

l = list('QRST')
df1 = df1.set_index(l)
result = [
    df1.groupby(level=l[:i+1])['P'].agg(np.mean, engine='numba').round(2).reset_index()
    for i in range(4)
like image 24
eroot163pi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
