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Groupby given percentiles of the values of the chosen DataFrame column

Imagine that I have a DataFrame with columns that contain only real values.

>> df        
          col1   col2      col3  
0     0.907609     82  4.207991 
1     3.743659   1523  6.488842 
2     2.358696    324  5.092592  
3     0.006793      0  0.000000  
4    19.319746  11969  7.405685 

I want to group it by quartiles (or any other percentiles specified by me) of the chosen column (e.g., col1), to perform some operations on these groups. Ideally, I would like to do something like:

df.groupy( quartiles_of_col1 ).mean()  # not working, how to code quartiles_of_col1?

The output should give the mean of each of the columns for four groups corresponding to the quartiles of col1. Is this possible with the groupby command? What's the simplest way of achieving it?

like image 640
pms Avatar asked Jul 09 '14 15:07


People also ask

What is the difference between quantile and percentile?

Percentiles are given as percent values, values such as 95%, 40%, or 27%. Quantiles are given as decimal values, values such as 0.95, 0.4, and 0.27. The 0.95 quantile point is exactly the same as the 95th percentile point.

What does describe () do in pandas?

The describe() method returns description of the data in the DataFrame. If the DataFrame contains numerical data, the description contains these information for each column: count - The number of not-empty values. mean - The average (mean) value.

How do you find the 10th percentile in pandas?

groupby('Category'). field_A. quantile(0.1) . That will return the 10th percentile for each group of Category .

1 Answers

I don't have a computer to test it right now, but I think you can do it by: df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]), include_lowest=True)).mean(). Will update after 150mins.

Some explanations:

In [42]:
#use np.percentile to get the bin edges of any percentile you want 
np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100])
In [43]:
#Need to use include_lowest=True
print df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]), include_lowest=True)).mean()
                       col0     col1      col2
[0.00679, 0.908]   0.457201     41.0  2.103996
(0.908, 3.744]     3.051177    923.5  5.790717
(3.744, 13.0893]        NaN      NaN       NaN
(13.0893, 19.32]  19.319746  11969.0  7.405685
In [44]:
#Or the smallest values will be skiped
print df.groupby(pd.cut(df.col0, np.percentile(df.col0, [0, 25, 75, 90, 100]))).mean()
                       col0     col1      col2
(0.00679, 0.908]   0.907609     82.0  4.207991
(0.908, 3.744]     3.051177    923.5  5.790717
(3.744, 13.0893]        NaN      NaN       NaN
(13.0893, 19.32]  19.319746  11969.0  7.405685
like image 105
CT Zhu Avatar answered Nov 21 '22 10:11

CT Zhu