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Calculate rolling time difference in pandas efficiently




I have a panel in pandas and am trying to calculate the amount of time that an individual spends in each stage. To give a better sense of this my dataset is as follows:

group       date    stage  
 A     2014-01-01   one   
 A     2014-01-03   one    
 A     2014-01-04   one    
 A     2014-01-05   two    
 B     2014-01-02  four    
 B     2014-01-06  five    
 B     2014-01-10  five    
 C     2014-01-03   two    
 C     2014-01-05   two    

I'm looking to calculate stage duration to give:

 group       date    stage  dur
  A     2014-01-01   one    0
  A     2014-01-03   one    2
  A     2014-01-04   one    3
  A     2014-01-05   two    0
  B     2014-01-02  four    0
  B     2014-01-06  five    0
  B     2014-01-10  five    4
  C     2014-01-03   two    0
  C     2014-01-05   two    2

The method that I'm using below is extremely slow. Any ideas on a quicker method?

df['stage_duration'] = df.groupby(['group', 'stage']).date.apply(lambda y: (y - y.iloc[0])).apply(lambda y:y / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')))
like image 769
Luke Avatar asked May 22 '14 00:05


People also ask

How do you find the difference between two times in pandas?

There are several ways to calculate the time difference between two dates in Python using Pandas. The first is to subtract one date from the other. This returns a timedelta such as 0 days 05:00:00 that tells us the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds between the two dates.

How do I compare time in pandas?

Comparison between pandas timestamp objects is carried out using simple comparison operators: >, <,==,< = , >=. The difference can be calculated using a simple '–' operator. Given time can be converted to pandas timestamp using pandas. Timestamp() method.

How do you tell the difference between consecutive rows in pandas?

diff() function. This function calculates the difference between two consecutive DataFrame elements.

What is rolling method in pandas?

rolling() function is a very useful function. It Provides rolling window calculations over the underlying data in the given Series object. Syntax: Series.rolling(window, min_periods=None, center=False, win_type=None, on=None, axis=0, closed=None)

2 Answers

Based your code (your groupby/apply), it looks like (despite your example ... but maybe I misunderstand what you want and then what Andy did would be the best idea) that you're working with a 'date' column that is a datetime64 dtype and not an integer dtype in your actual data. Also it looks like you want compute the change in days as measured from the first observation of a given group/stage. I think this is a better set of example data (if I understand your goal correctly):

>>> df

  group       date stage  dur
0     A 2014-01-01   one    0
1     A 2014-01-03   one    2
2     A 2014-01-04   one    3
3     A 2014-01-05   two    0
4     B 2014-01-02  four    0
5     B 2014-01-06  five    0
6     B 2014-01-10  five    4
7     C 2014-01-03   two    0
8     C 2014-01-05   two    2

Given that you should get some speed-up from just modifying your apply (as Jeff suggests in his comment) by dividing through by the timedelta64 in a vectorized way after the apply (or you could do it in the apply):

>>> df['dur'] = df.groupby(['group','stage']).date.apply(lambda x: x - x.iloc[0])
>>> df['dur'] /= np.timedelta64(1,'D')
>>> df

  group       date stage  dur
0     A 2014-01-01   one    0
1     A 2014-01-03   one    2
2     A 2014-01-04   one    3
3     A 2014-01-05   two    0
4     B 2014-01-02  four    0
5     B 2014-01-06  five    0
6     B 2014-01-10  five    4
7     C 2014-01-03   two    0
8     C 2014-01-05   two    2

But you can also avoid the groupby/apply given your data is in group,stage,date order. The first date for every ['group','stage'] grouping happens when either the group changes or the stage changes. So I think you can do something like the following:

>>> beg = (df.group != df.group.shift(1)) | (df.stage != df.stage.shift(1))
>>> df['dur'] = (df['date'] - df['date'].where(beg).ffill())/np.timedelta64(1,'D')
>>> df

  group       date stage  dur
0     A 2014-01-01   one    0
1     A 2014-01-03   one    2
2     A 2014-01-04   one    3
3     A 2014-01-05   two    0
4     B 2014-01-02  four    0
5     B 2014-01-06  five    0
6     B 2014-01-10  five    4
7     C 2014-01-03   two    0
8     C 2014-01-05   two    2

Explanation: Note what df['date'].where(beg) creates:

>>> beg = (df.group != df.group.shift(1)) | (df.stage != df.stage.shift(1))
>>> df['date'].where(beg)

0   2014-01-01
1          NaT
2          NaT
3   2014-01-05
4   2014-01-02
5   2014-01-06
6          NaT
7   2014-01-03
8          NaT

And then I ffill the values and take the difference with the 'date' column.

Edit: As Andy points out you could also use transform:

>>> df['dur'] = df.date - df.groupby(['group','stage']).date.transform(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
>>> df['dur'] /= np.timedelta64(1,'D')

  group       date stage  dur
0     A 2014-01-01   one    0
1     A 2014-01-03   one    2
2     A 2014-01-04   one    3
3     A 2014-01-05   two    0
4     B 2014-01-02  four    0
5     B 2014-01-06  five    0
6     B 2014-01-10  five    4
7     C 2014-01-03   two    0
8     C 2014-01-05   two    2

Speed: I timed the two method using a similar dataframe with 400,000 observations:

Apply method:

1 loops, best of 3: 18.3 s per loop

Non-apply method:

1 loops, best of 3: 1.64 s per loop

So I think avoiding the apply could give some significant speed-ups

like image 94
Karl D. Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Karl D.

I think I'd use diff here:

In [11]: df.groupby('stage')['date'].diff().fillna(0)
0    0
1    2
2    0
3    0
4    0
5    4
dtype: float64

(Assuming that the stages are contiguous.)

If you are just subtracting the first in each group, use a transform:

In [21]: df['date'] - df.groupby('stage')['date'].transform(lambda x: x.iloc[0])
0    0
1    2
2    0
3    0
4    0
5    4
Name: date, dtype: int64

Note: this is probably significantly faster...

like image 25
Andy Hayden Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Andy Hayden