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Group sum and transform json object with values in nested array

I am trying to aggregate and transform the following json :

    "orderId" : "01",
    "date" : "2017-01-02T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 12,
            "itemQuantity": 10
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 4
    "orderId": "02",
    "date" : "2017-01-08T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 15,
            "itemQuantity": 2
            "itemId": 101,
            "itemCost": 20,
            "itemQuantity": 5
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 1
    "orderId": "03",
    "date" : "2017-02-08T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 15,
            "itemQuantity": 2
            "itemId": 101,
            "itemCost": 20,
            "itemQuantity": 5
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 1

into an object that is grouped by itemId, and then aggregated by quantity, and aggregated by total cost (item cost * item quantity for each order) by month. Example:

        "itemId": 100,
        "period": [
                "month": "01/17",
                "quantity": 12,
                "cost": 130
        "itemId": 101,
        "period": [
                "month": "01/17",
                "quantity": 5,
                "cost": 100
                "month": "02/17",
                "quantity": 5,
                "cost": 100
        "itemId": 102,
        "period": [
                "month": "01/17",
                "quantity": 5,
                "cost": 125
                "month": "02/17",
                "quantity": 1,
                "cost": 25

I have a small indention on my desk in which I have been beating my head trying to figure how to do this using native map/reduce or lodash.

like image 998
jasjo Avatar asked Mar 08 '23 15:03


2 Answers

You can do like this:

var orders = [{orderId:"01",date:"2017-01-02T06:00:00.000Z",items:[{itemId:100,itemCost:12,itemQuantity:10},{itemId:102,itemCost:25,itemQuantity:4}]},{orderId:"02",date:"2017-01-08T06:00:00.000Z",items:[{itemId:100,itemCost:15,itemQuantity:2},{itemId:101,itemCost:20,itemQuantity:5},{itemId:102,itemCost:25,itemQuantity:1}]},{orderId:"03",date:"2017-02-08T06:00:00.000Z",items:[{itemId:100,itemCost:15,itemQuantity:2},{itemId:101,itemCost:20,itemQuantity:5},{itemId:102,itemCost:25,itemQuantity:1}]}];

// First, map your orders by items
var items = {};
orders.forEach(function(order) {

    // set the month of each order
    var month = new Date(order.date);
    month = ('0' + (month.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '/' +  String(month.getFullYear()).slice(-2);
    // for each item in this order
    order.items.forEach(function(item) {
        // here we already have both keys: "id" and "month"
        // then, we make sure they have an object to match
        var id = item.itemId;
        if (!items[id]) {
            items[id] = {};
        if (!items[id][month]) {
            items[id][month] = { cost:0, quantity:0 };
        // keep calculating the total cost
        items[id][month].cost += item.itemCost * item.itemQuantity;
        items[id][month].quantity += item.itemQuantity;

// Now, we format the calculated values to your required output:
var result = Object.keys(items).map(function(id) {
    var obj = {
        itemId: id,
        period: Object.keys(items[id]).map(function(month) {
            items[id][month].month = month;
            return items[id][month];
    return obj;


Hope it helps.

like image 129
Washington Guedes Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 04:03

Washington Guedes

You could use this transformation:

const result = Object.values(myList.reduce( (acc, o) => {
    const month = o.date.substr(5,2) + '/' + o.date.substr(2,2);
    return o.items.reduce ( (acc, item) => {
        const it = acc[item.itemId] || {
                itemId: item.itemId,
                period: {}
            m = it.period[month] || {
                month: month,
                quantity: 0,
                cost: 0
        m.cost += item.itemCost * item.itemQuantity;
        m.quantity += item.itemQuantity;
        it.period[month] = m;
        acc[item.itemId] = it;
        return acc;
    }, acc);
}, {})).map( o => 
    Object.assign({}, o, { period: Object.values(o.period) }) 

const myList = [
    "orderId" : "01",
    "date" : "2017-01-02T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 12,
            "itemQuantity": 10
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 4
    "orderId": "02",
    "date" : "2017-01-08T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 15,
            "itemQuantity": 2
            "itemId": 101,
            "itemCost": 20,
            "itemQuantity": 5
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 1
    "orderId": "03",
    "date" : "2017-02-08T06:00:00.000Z",
    "items" : [
            "itemId": 100,
            "itemCost": 15,
            "itemQuantity": 2
            "itemId": 101,
            "itemCost": 20,
            "itemQuantity": 5
            "itemId": 102,
            "itemCost": 25,
            "itemQuantity": 1

const result = Object.values(myList.reduce( (acc, o) => {
    const month = o.date.substr(5,2) + '/' + o.date.substr(2,2);
    return o.items.reduce ( (acc, item) => {
        const it = acc[item.itemId] || {
                itemId: item.itemId,
                period: {}
            m = it.period[month] || {
                month: month,
                quantity: 0,
                cost: 0
        m.cost += item.itemCost * item.itemQuantity;
        m.quantity += item.itemQuantity;
        it.period[month] = m;
        acc[item.itemId] = it;
        return acc;
    }, acc);
}, {})).map( o => 
    Object.assign({}, o, { period: Object.values(o.period) }) 

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trincot Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 04:03
