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Group by columns and summarize a column into a list





I have a dataframe like this:

   client=c('John', 'John','Mary','Mary'),

#sample data frame
   client date         cluster
1  John   2016-07-13    A 
2  John   2016-07-13    B 
3  Mary   2016-07-13    A 
4  Mary   2016-07-13    A             

I would like to transform it into different format, which will be like:

#ideal data frame
   client date         cluster
1  John   2016-07-13    c('A,'B') 
2  Mary   2016-07-13    A 

For the 'cluster' column, it will be a list if some client is belong to different cluster on the same date.

I thought I can do it with dplyr package with commend as below

ideal_df<-sample %>% 
    group_by(client, date) %>% 
    summarize( #some anonymous function)

However, I don't know how to write the anonymous function in this situation. Is there a way to transform the data into the ideal format?

like image 801
Johnny Chiu Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 09:07

Johnny Chiu

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One great feature of the group_by function is its ability to group by more than one variable to show what the aggregated data looks like for combinations of the different variables across the response variable. All that you need to do is add a comma between the different variables in group_by .

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1 Answers

We can use toString to concat the unique elements in 'cluster' together after grouping by 'client'

r1 <- sample_df %>% 
         group_by(client, date) %>%
         summarise(cluster = toString(unique(cluster)))

Or another option would be to create a list column

r2 <- sample_df %>%
         group_by(client, date) %>% 
         summarise(cluster = list(unique(cluster)))

which we can unnest

r2 %>%
    ungroup %>%
like image 185
akrun Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10
