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Group an iterable by a predicate in Python

I'm parsing a file like this:


And I want groups like this:

[ [header, data1, data2], [header, data3, data4, data5], [header], [header], ... ]

so I can iterate over them like this:

for grp in group(open('file.txt'), lambda line: 'header' in line):
    for item in grp:

and keep the detect-a-group logic separate from the process-a-group logic.

But I need an iterable of iterables, as the groups can be arbitrarily large and I don't want to store them. That is, I want to split an iterable into subgroups every time I encounter a "sentinel" or "header" item, as indicated by a predicate. Seems like this would be a common task, but I can't find an efficient Pythonic implementation.

Here's the dumb append-to-a-list implementation:

def group(iterable, isstart=lambda x: x):
    """Group `iterable` into groups starting with items where `isstart(item)` is true.

    Start items are included in the group.  The first group may or may not have a 
    start item.  An empty `iterable` results in an empty result (zero groups)."""
    items = []
    for item in iterable:
        if isstart(item) and items:
            yield iter(items)
            items = []
    if items:
        yield iter(items) 

It feels like there's got to be a nice itertools version, but it eludes me. The 'obvious' (?!) groupby solution doesn't seem to work because there can be adjacent headers, and they need to go in separate groups. The best I can come up with is (ab)using groupby with a key function that keeps a counter:

def igroup(iterable, isstart=lambda x: x):
    def keyfunc(item):
        if isstart(item):
            keyfunc.groupnum += 1       # Python 2's closures leave something to be desired
        return keyfunc.groupnum
    keyfunc.groupnum = 0
    return (group for _, group in itertools.groupby(iterable, keyfunc))

But I feel like Python can do better -- and sadly, this is even slower than the dumb list version:

# ipython
%time deque(group(xrange(10 ** 7), lambda x: x % 1000 == 0), maxlen=0)
CPU times: user 4.20 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 4.23 s

%time deque(igroup(xrange(10 ** 7), lambda x: x % 1000 == 0), maxlen=0)
CPU times: user 5.45 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 5.46 s

To make it easy on you, here's some unit test code:

class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_group(self):
        MAXINT, MAXLEN, NUMTRIALS = 100, 100000, 21
        isstart = lambda x: x == 0
        self.assertEqual(next(igroup([], isstart), None), None)
        self.assertEqual([list(grp) for grp in igroup([0] * 3, isstart)], [[0]] * 3)
        self.assertEqual([list(grp) for grp in igroup([1] * 3, isstart)], [[1] * 3])
        self.assertEqual(len(list(igroup([0,1,2] * 3, isstart))), 3)        # Catch hangs when groups are not consumed
        for _ in xrange(NUMTRIALS):
            expected, items = itertools.tee(itertools.starmap(random.randint, itertools.repeat((0, MAXINT), random.randint(0, MAXLEN))))
            for grpnum, grp in enumerate(igroup(items, isstart)):
                start = next(grp)
                self.assertTrue(isstart(start) or grpnum == 0)
                self.assertEqual(start, next(expected))
                for item in grp:
                    self.assertEqual(item, next(expected))

So: how can I subgroup an iterable by a predicate elegantly and efficiently in Python?

like image 486
Doctor J Avatar asked Oct 08 '12 04:10

Doctor J

2 Answers

how can I subgroup an iterable by a predicate elegantly and efficiently in Python?

Here's a concise, memory-efficient implementation which is very similar to the one from your question:

from itertools import groupby, imap
from operator import itemgetter

def igroup(iterable, isstart):
    def key(item, count=[False]):
        if isstart(item):
           count[0] = not count[0] # start new group
        return count[0]
    return imap(itemgetter(1), groupby(iterable, key))

It supports infinite groups.

tee-based solution is slightly faster but it consumes memory for the current group (similar to the list-based solution from the question):

from itertools import islice, tee

def group(iterable, isstart):
    it, it2 = tee(iterable)
    count = 0
    for item in it:
        if isstart(item) and count:
            gr = islice(it2, count)
            yield gr
            for _ in gr:  # skip to the next group
            count = 0
        count += 1
    if count:
       gr = islice(it2, count)
       yield gr
       for _ in gr:  # skip to the next group

groupby-solution could be implemented in pure Python:

def igroup_inline_key(iterable, isstart):
    it = iter(iterable)

    def grouper():
        """Yield items from a single group."""
        while not p[START]:
            yield p[VALUE]  # each group has at least one element (a header)
            p[VALUE] = next(it)
            p[START] = isstart(p[VALUE])

    p = [None]*2 # workaround the absence of `nonlocal` keyword in Python 2.x
    START, VALUE = 0, 1
    p[VALUE] = next(it)
    while True:
        p[START] = False # to distinguish EOF and a start of new group
        yield grouper()
        while not p[START]: # skip to the next group
            p[VALUE] = next(it)
            p[START] = isstart(p[VALUE])

To avoid repeating the code the while True loop could be written as:

while True:
    p[START] = False  # to distinguish EOF and a start of new group
    g = grouper()
    yield g
    if not p[START]:  # skip to the next group
        for _ in g:
        if not p[START]:  # EOF

Though the previous variant might be more explicit and readable.

I think a general memory-efficient solution in pure Python won't be significantly faster than groupby-based one.

If process(item) is fast compared to igroup() and a header could be efficiently found in a string (e.g., for a fixed static header) then you could improve performance by reading your file in large chunks and splitting on the header value. It should make your task IO-bound.

like image 184
jfs Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09


I didn't quite read all your code, but I think this might be of some help:

from itertools import izip, tee, chain

def pairwise(iterable):
    a, b = tee(iterable)
    return izip(a, chain(b, [next(b, None)]))

def group(iterable, isstart):

    pairs = pairwise(iterable)

    def extract(current, lookahead, pairs=pairs, isstart=isstart):
        yield current
        if isstart(lookahead):
        for current, lookahead in pairs:
            yield current
            if isstart(lookahead):

    for start, lookahead in pairs:
        gen = extract(start, lookahead)
        yield gen
        for _ in gen:

for gen in group(xrange(4, 16), lambda x: x % 5 == 0):
    print '------------------'
    for n in gen:
        print n

print [list(g) for g in group([], lambda x: x % 5 == 0)]


$ python gen.py


And here's another solution, similar to the above, but without the pairwise() and a sentinel instead. I don't know which one is faster:

def group(iterable, isstart):

    sentinel = object()

    def interleave(iterable=iterable, isstart=isstart, sentinel=sentinel):
        for item in iterable:
            if isstart(item):
                yield sentinel
            yield item

    items = interleave()

    def extract(item, items=items, isstart=isstart, sentinel=sentinel):
        if item is not sentinel:
            yield item
        for item in items:
            if item is sentinel:
            yield item

    for lookahead in items:
        gen = extract(lookahead)
        yield gen
        for _ in gen:

Both now pass the test case, thanks to J.F.Sebastians idea for the exhaustion of skipped subgroup generators.

like image 21
pillmuncher Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
